Page 2 - Lynn Daniel and Roy Boy 9-26-2019_Neat
P. 2


                   These instructions will help you with your new

                   dog while getting acquainted with one another.

                   There are two main directions to send your dog.

                   GO-BY (clockwise which is on your left side) and

                   WAY-TO-ME ( counter clockwise -which is your

                   right side).  Always position the dog on the side

                   of you that you are going to send him unless the

                   animals are not in sight and if so just say Go


                   GET BACK…I use this when the dog is behind

                   the cattle bringing them to me and starts coming

                   around to far, almost circling the cattle.  I use

                   GET BACK quite a bit this eliminates you having

                   to give him a “go-by” or “way-to-me”.  He will get

                   back behind the cattle and re- balance himself

                   and bring the cattle to you.  Remember if you’re

                   standing to close to the cattle, he can’t bring

                   them to you.

                   LIE DOWN… one of the most important

                   commands you have.  If things get out of control

                   use this command and go to your dog and start
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