Page 74 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Winter 2019
P. 74

[  LEISUR E                ]

                                                      T R AV E L

        a hot tub on the balcony). Also
        available are oversized private
        balconies, living areas, breath-
        taking views and more. From the
        traditional guestroom to the most
        luxurious suite, all have a patio or
        balcony. We opted for an upgrad-
        ed room with a golf view.

          With rooms spread far and
        wide, the resort offers multi-
        ple pools, hot tubs, and even a
        75-foot waterslide, with a loop.
        (I might give it a go on our next
        visit.) If you prefer tennis or
        pickleball, seven courts (lighted at
        night) await you. We’ve taken our
        kids before, and they never lacked
        for entertainment. From pools to kids’ golf to checking out the lobby   my husband and I enjoyed a unique massage called the “Hole in One”
        dogs, they give their thumbs up.                       where the therapist uses a golf ball to massage deep tissue and relieve
                                                               points of pressure. A new take on a traditional massage, we both thor-
          Perhaps a spa experience is what you’re looking for. Found on   oughly enjoyed the experience.
        property is a full spa boasting fourteen treatment rooms. A variety of
        services are available, including manicures/pedicures, facials, mas-  The resort is also pet friendly and hosts a program you won’t find at
        sage, hair and scalp treatments and much more. Don’t forget to visit   most hotels—a dog adoption program out of their lobby, in partnership
        the plunge pool, steam room and relaxation room. During our visit,   with Animal Samaritans. The dog lives in the lobby in a pen the shape

     72  LVG&L   WINTER 2019                                                 W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79