Page 78 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Winter 2019
P. 78

[   LEISUR E                  ]


        The Kitchen - the heart of the home

        Scavolini’s Italian design (kitchens and more)  STORY BY HEIDI CHACKEL  |  PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY SCAVOLINI

              cavolini brings the highest level of Italian design and sophis-  In 1961, Scavolini launched from Pesaro, Italy, with a small offering
              tication for the home to Las Vegas. The vision and mission of   of fitted kitchens. It didn’t take long for the company to become popu-
          SScavolini is both simple and ambitious. “We want Italy’s favor-  lar, and by 1984, it had become abundantly clear that the state-of-the-
        ite kitchen to become a cherished family member in homes all over the   art and visionary company had become Italy’s leading kitchen brand.
        world.” Scavolini believes that people’s homes are the ultimate expres-  With more than 50 years on the kitchens market behind it, Scavolini is
        sion of who they are. The brand exists “to enhance that expression with   one of Italian industry’s most modern, important production models,
        the highest level of design and sophistication for your home.”   and its brand strategy continues to be rewarded with impressively large

     76  LVG&L   WINTER 2019                                                 W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83