Page 51 - LVG&L 2018 WINTER
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imes, they are a changin’ at Lake   Another signal was the purchase of South-  It would be difficult to find a harder hit
                  Las Vegas and the good times   Shore Golf Club, another Nicklaus design,   community during the economic downturn
                  are a rollin’. The first signal   by a group of Lake Las Vegas members and   that started in 2008 than Lake Las Vegas.
          Tthat Lake Las Vegas was on        residents. The deal closed in December and   However pretty much since the purchase by
        the way back to prominence was when the   was made possible when previous owner   Paulson and the course reopening, the entire
        Jack Nicklaus-designed Reflection Bay Golf   Pacific Links decided to exit the United States   community, a 25-minute drive from the Las
        Club reopened in 2014 after its 2009 closure.   golf market. The new ownership group pulled   Vegas Strip, has been on an upward trend of
        The highly regarded course was purchased   together to secure the future of the course   resurgence.
        by Paulson and Company, a conglomerate   and community surrounding it. They believe
        founded by American hedge fund manager   their vision aligns perfectly with Paulson and   Raintree Investment Company oversees the
        John Paulson. The group, in total, purchased   Company and the overall new energy being   Lake Las Vegas re-development for Paulson
        1,000 acres in the resort.           experienced throughout the community.  and Company, and has been very active when

        W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                      WINTER 2018  LVG&L  49
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