Page 52 - LVG&L 2018 WINTER
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[  GOLF          ]

                                                 W H A T ’S NE W

        it comes to deal making. Millions have been   golf courses, both Reflection Bay and the pri-  public areas, meeting space, ballrooms, pools,
        invested into the project, and deals have   vate SouthShore. They both have been rated   private beach and outdoor spaces. The prop-
        been made with homebuilders for new home   as Top 100 courses in the past and we believe   erty is part of the Marriott family of brands,
        construction. New partnerships with the   they are still very deserving of that recogni-  the world’s largest hotelier. The Westin over-
        resorts at Lake Las Vegas have been forged   tion. Having two Jack Nicklaus courses here   looks Reflection Bay.
        to enhance the visitor experience, and other   really sets Lake Las Vegas apart and we will
        public and behind-the-scenes agreements   continue to build on that brand as we move   “Golf is an integral part of the Lake Las Ve-
        have been made.                      forward. My job is to guarantee a quality   gas Experience,” Westin director of transient
                                             golf experience to our guests, members and   sales Roger Reveyrand says. “Lake Las Vegas
          “Over the last three years since we have   residents, and we are committed to providing   is a true golf destination. With luxurious
        been involved, we have worked very hard   that. The synergy between the two courses   accommodations, spectacular dining, plenty
        and been successful in bringing back the   will be tremendous, and both are part of the   of outdoor diversions, luxurious residential
        reputation of Lake Las Vegas as a premier   fabric of Lake Las Vegas. There is a terrific   communities, brand new health and fitness
        destination,” Raintree executive Cody Win-  mix of high-end resort and private play at   clubs and some of the best golf in the country,
        terton says. “Now with Eric Dutt involved,   Lake Las Vegas, and we look forward to   it’s no wonder that Lake Las Vegas is once
        and with his expertise, we are positioned well   building on that message and experience.”  again on the radar as one of America’s top
        and confident about earning back our rightful                            golf destinations.”
        reputation as one of the best golf destinations,   T HE SE T T IN G
        and destinations in general, in America.”  The Lake Las Vegas crown jewel is the   The Hilton, which is located adjacent to
                                             private, 320-acre Lake Las Vegas. Not only   the MonteLago Village shopping and dining
          Dutt is a longtime Las Vegas golf executive   does the water provide a stunning backdrop   district, hovers over the lake and features a
        who oversaw Cascata and Rio Secco Golf   for golf—five Reflection Bay holes play on   resort-style pool with private cabanas, the
        Clubs for the better part of two decades, and   the shoreline and SouthShore overlooks the   full-service Spa Ravella and salon, versatile
        is now golf operations manager at Lake Las   lake—but many other recreational amenities   meeting and event space, including a ball-
        Vegas. While at Cascata, Dutt led the course   are offered, including paddle boards, wake-  room, 24-hour business center, deluxe rooms
        to a 29 out of 30 rating in a Zagat survey, one   boards, paddle boats, cocktail cruises, jet fly   and more.
        of the top course rankings in the country,   boards, paddle board yoga and neon evening
        plus other accolades. Dutt also oversaw the   events, which have become very popular. The   P L A Y AND S T A Y
        operations of the Butch Harmon School of   community is now home to several big events   ( A T HOME)
        Golf at Rio Secco and hosted several high-lev-  and concerts, including the annual Lake Las   As with the golf and resort presence at
        el tournaments including the Wendy’s 3-Tour   Vegas Classic, organized by Las Vegas Golf   Lake Las Vegas, there is plenty happening
        Challenge, the WAC conference champion-  and Leisure Magazine owners.    with home development. Pulte Homes and
        ship and the Natalie Gulbis Charity Classic,                             Lennar Homes (the largest homebuilder in
        among others.                          “The setting is our secret at Lake Las Vegas   Southern Nevada) will be releasing new home
                                             and people may not realize how special it is   communities in the new year. An influx of
          Dutt, who won a Big 10 team golf champi-  until they spend some time here,” Dutt says.   new residents from Southern California and
        onship at Purdue in 1981 and was inducted   “For golf, there isn’t anything else like it in Las   other locales, including Texas and Canada,
        into the Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame in 2008,   Vegas so if golfers want to escape and enjoy   are making their homes in Lake Las Vegas.
        now embraces his role in helping take the   a peaceful golf getaway, we are the perfect
        overall Lake Las Vegas experience to the next   destination. But, also, we are just a short drive   The Pulte community is targeting the 55
        level. Not only will he oversee operations   away from the glamour of the Las Vegas Strip,   and older age group who are seeking an active
        at Reflection Bay, but the new SouthShore   so we offer the best of both worlds.”  lifestyle, which can include a golf member-
        owners have designated him to oversee the                                ship at SouthShore and membership in the
        operations of the private course and attract   S T A Y AND P L A Y       community’s sports clubs. There are two
        new members. The course will also be open   The Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort and Spa   sports clubs now located at Lake Las Vegas,
        to limited outside play for members of private   and the Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort and   one in the renovated clubhouse of the old
        golf courses throughout the United States.   Spa are two key pieces to the Lake Las Vegas   Falls Golf Club and one in the SouthShore
                                             puzzle. Resort golf packages are now available   community. Both will be included under one
          “It’s a thrill to be part of the overall renais-  at each resort.      umbrella membership.
        sance happening at Lake Las Vegas and it is a
        new challenge that I look forward to being a   The Westin recently underwent an exten-  The Lennar community is being devel-
        part of for the next several years,” Dutt says.   sive, $35-million-dollar renovation, which   oped on the first, second and third holes of
        “What really intrigues me is the quality of the   included all guest rooms and suites, lobby,   Reflection Bay Golf Club and will feature

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