Page 82 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2019
P. 82

feature | people who support

            GOING TO A RETINA



          IN VISION CARE, AND                                     OREGON RETINA CENTER

            BOTH WOMEN FEEL                                       Magali Saenz and Nicole Steele are Ophthalmic Technicians at Oregon
                                                                  Retina Center, in charge of patient check in, rooming patients, check-
          PRIVILEGED TO CALM                                      ing charts for all medications and interactions with other doctors,
                                                                  scheduling surgery within essential timeframes and photographing the
                                                                  eye. Going to a retina specialist is often the end of the line in vision
               THEIR PATIENTS                                     care, and both women feel privileged to calm their patients by explain-
                                                                  ing procedures, particularly eye injections. Nicole says systemic condi-
                                                                  tions can and do affect eyes—Macular Degeneration, Diabetes, MS,
                BY EXPLAINING                                     high blood pressure, all issues that can lead to blindness. The patients
                                                                  often come in monthly, and relationships build. When Magali had a
                                                                  baby, patients brought gifts. They bring gifts for other occasions as
                  PROCEDURES.                                     well. Magali and Nicole, in turn, ask about patients and their families.
                                                                  One of the upsides of their job is seeing positive results from treat-
                                                                  ments. Theirs is a life-altering responsibility, each patient and his or her
                                                                  situation unique. “To know you are part of protecting and improving
                                                                  their vision,” says Magali, “is one of my rewards.”

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