Page 6 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 6

Psychometric Testing

                                                                    For school leavers and undergraduates,
                                                                    psychometric testing can offer insights into
                                                                    potential career paths by considering strengths,
                                                                    challenges, needs, abilities and interests.

                                                                    Although no test can claim to be 100% accurate,
                                                                    we work closely with well-established and credible
                                                                    test publishers to make sure that the tests we use
                                                                    are both reliable and valid, giving a true evaluation
                                                                    of each applicant.

       What is a Psychometric Test?
                                                                    Within Radius Training, we hold qualification
       Psychometric tests are a scientific (and pain free!)         through the British Psychological Society as a BPS
       way to evaluate an individual's behavioural style and        Registered Test User, and membership to the BPS
       mental capabilities.  They offer Human Resources             Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU).
       departments the possibility of an objective, unbiased
       method to measure abilities, personality traits and
       suitability for a particular role or promotion
       opportunity.                                                  Areas Covered

                                                                         Personality Profiling
       Psychometric testing is beneficial for employers and
       employees alike, also being valuable for career                   Recruitment
       development, team effectiveness profiling, aptitude               Career Development
       and  ability testing, and motivation assessment.
                                                                         Vocational Evaluation

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