Page 7 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 7

Personality Profiling                                   Career Development

                                                              Career guidance is a valuable tool not only at the start
                                                              of a person's working life, but also when exploring new
                                                              opportunities or facing a new direction.  Career
                                                              guidance is a rapid and effective way to explore the
                                                              strengths and direction of an individual in relation to
                                                              career choice, offering suggestions at different entry

      An individual's personality is conveyed through their       "Dreams are extremely important. You
      preferred behaviours and styles, reflecting                       can't do it unless you imagine it."
      interpersonal, emotional, motivational and attitude-
      based characteristics rather than abilities.  An
      extensive set of questions is used to formulate a                                           —George Lucas
      profile, allowing an individual to be scored against a            American film director, producer, screenwriter, and
      set of scales on different personality dimensions.
      Although there are no 'right' or 'wrong' profiles,
      research shows that different profile dimensions have
      different characteristic strengths and development       Vocational Evaluation
                                                               Our Vocation Preparation Package is a comprehensive
       Recruitment                                             program designed to assist students and
                                                               undergraduates with making informed career decisions,
                                                               and equipping them with valuable skills to improve their
                                                               chances of success in ongoing study, at interview or in
                                                               a professional setting.

                                                               Each person is unique, with their own way of interacting
                                                               with other people and the world around them.  Patterns
                                                               of behaviour are often subconscious, however taking
                                                               the time to explore them can reveal strengths,
                                                               challenges, needs, interests and abilities.  We use
      We help you to optimise your recruitment investment      questionnaires and activities to help our candidates
      by providing you with solutions to effectively evaluate   focus on their:
      candidates in terms of personality profile and ability
      levels.  According to your needs, we can support you           Approach to people
      with a range of options from individual online                 Approach to task
      questionnaires through to assessment centre
      simulation activities designed to elicit information           Contribution to teams
      about specific strengths, challenges, and working              Development opportunities
      style preferences.                                             Learning styles

      The tests we use have been rigorously checked for              Career possibilities
      reliability and validity, and will be a valuable part of
      your recruitment process.

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