Page 10 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 10

Course Outlines



       Our Management & Leadership training courses           Typical Courses
       are designed to suit leaders at all experience
       levels: new to role and looking for insights and         Supervisory Role Essentials
       confidence, or more experienced leaders wishing          Creative Problem Solving & Decision-Making
       to refresh their ideas.
       Too often, valuable, high-performing employees           Techniques For Planning & Organising
       are put into management positions because they           Effective Delegation
       are good at their jobs, without thought of whether
       they will be good at their new jobs!  Without            Office Management
       training and support, they perform poorly, and
       demotivation or resignation follows.  Our                Coaching & Mentoring
       Management & Leadership courses encourage
       managers to succeed from the start.                      Conflict Resolution

       Experienced managers equally face new tests as           Approach To Leadership
       organisations, expectations and challenges
       change, and our training is written with this in         Managing Meetings
       mind.                                                    Teambuilding

                     “Management is about persuading people to do things they do
                     not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do

                     things they never thought they could.’”
                                                                                                              - Steve Job
                                                          Former Chairman, CEO  and Co-Founder of Apple Inc.

            B r o a d e n i n g   t h e   C i r c l e                                 10
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