Page 10 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
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Course Outlines
Our Management & Leadership training courses Typical Courses
are designed to suit leaders at all experience
levels: new to role and looking for insights and Supervisory Role Essentials
confidence, or more experienced leaders wishing Creative Problem Solving & Decision-Making
to refresh their ideas.
Too often, valuable, high-performing employees Techniques For Planning & Organising
are put into management positions because they Effective Delegation
are good at their jobs, without thought of whether
they will be good at their new jobs! Without Office Management
training and support, they perform poorly, and
demotivation or resignation follows. Our Coaching & Mentoring
Management & Leadership courses encourage
managers to succeed from the start. Conflict Resolution
Experienced managers equally face new tests as Approach To Leadership
organisations, expectations and challenges
change, and our training is written with this in Managing Meetings
mind. Teambuilding
“Management is about persuading people to do things they do
not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do
things they never thought they could.’”
- Steve Job
Former Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Apple Inc.
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 10