Page 15 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 15

                                      (A One-Day Training Programme)

      Best suited to
                                                               This one-day programme provides useful structure to
                                                               create a win / win / win for the manager, the
       Those Team Leaders, Supervisors and Managers            employee, and for the  organisation.
       who need to find time to enhance their own
       productivity and focus on their own goals, by
       delegating tasks and projects.
                                                               Course Outline

       Objectives                                                   What is delegation?

       By the end of this training, participants  will be able      Benefits of effective delegation
       to:                                                          Understanding what to delegate

           Define effective delegation                             Deciding who to delegate to

           Describe and evaluate the reasons why                   Steps towards effective delegation
             managers do not delegate
                                                                    Structuring and communicating the task
           Understand the benefits of  delegation to               The consequences of poor delegation – how
             the individual, manager, and organisation               to manage the monkey
                                                                    Monitoring progress and giving feedback
           Identify the tasks that can be delegated,
             and the individual they should be
             delegated to
           Outline the steps of effective delegation

           Manage the monkey on their back

           Give constructive feedback to maintain


       Delegation is a key skill for managers and
       leaders.  Successful delegation saves time,
       develops the team, helps to progress a
       successor, and enables the team to strive for              “As we look ahead into the next
       more successful projects.                                  century, leaders will be those who
                                                                  empower others.”
       Poor delegation, on the other hand, causes

                                                                                                  – Bill Gates
       frustration, demotivation and confusion; the task                   Principal founder of Microsoft Corporation
       itself may not be completed.

             B r o a d e n i n g   t h e   C i r c l e                                15
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