Page 18 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 18
(A One-Day Training Programme)
Best suited to It shows how embracing conflicts can build understanding
and better relationships – leading to greater personal and
Those who are tasked with, or find themselves, professional success.
negotiating internal work-based conflict. With a
range of different personalities, opinions and
goals, disagreements in the workplace seem Course Outline
inevitable. Learning how to proactively manage
these disagreements in a clear, constructive, Exploring conflict
assertive manner – preventing them from * What is conflict?
escalating into destructive conflict – is an
important skill for anyone aspiring to a leader- * When is it needed?
ship position. * What causes it?
This course will help participants to understand * Perceptions about conflict
and navigate issues that arise, enabling positive
outcomes and ongoing working relationships. * Behaviours that cause conflict
Costs of conflict
Objectives Responding to conflict
By the end of this training, participants will be * Killmann’s conflict management styles
able to: * What’s your style?
Understand conflict and its causes Preventing conflict
Develop conflict resolution techniques Assertiveness
Recognise the differences between * Behaving assertively
warranted and unwarranted conflict * Assertiveness techniques
Know their conflict management style, and * Role plays
the value of other’s styles
Ending conflict
Be able to communicate assertively and
deal with conflict effectively * The benefits of conflict resolution
Be aware of how to demonstrate empathy * The importance of forgiveness
in difficult situations
This one-day programme uses a mixture of
theory and practical exercises to help create
effective outcomes, and arrive at a resolution.
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 18