Page 20 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 20

                                       (A One-Day Training Programme)

      Best suited to                                       Course Outline

      Those faced with the challenge of taking                 The difference between an effective and an
      minutes of any type of meeting,  including                 ineffective meeting
      interviews, disciplinary meetings, formal                Pre-meeting planning
      meetings, and informal meetings.  Often over-
      looked and under-valued, this is a skill that                  * Who to invite
      everyone should develop.                                       * Developing an agenda
                                                                     * Specifying key roles (chairperson, facilitator,
      Objectives                                                         minute taker, attendees)

      By the end of this training, participants  will be       During the meeting
      able to:                                                       * Managing participation

          Understand and use guidelines for                         * Recognising roles and characteristics
            preparing and structuring meetings
                                                                     * Using questions
          Decide the purpose of the meeting and               Post -meeting follow up
            define an agenda accordingly

          Ensure effective participation
          Chair and lead effective meetings

          Handle difficult people or situations
          Take clear decisions to ensure action


      Meetings are an essential element of team
      and business management, however they are
      often perceived as a waste of time and effort.
      Poor preparation, unclear purpose, lack of
      structure, and ambiguous outcomes are all           “Meetings are at the heart of an effective
      common mistakes that are totally avoidable.
      This course will show techniques to use to          organisation, and each meeting is an
      plan and control productive meetings at work.       opportunity to clarify issues, set new
                                                          directions, sharpen focus, create alignment,
                                                          and move objectives forward.”

                                                                                                                 - Paul Axtell
                                                                                               Author: Meetings Matter

             B r o a d e n i n g   t h e   C i r c l e                                20
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