Page 25 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 25
(A One-Day Training Programme)
Best suited to
will face ‘high-level’ stress at some time.
Those looking to understand why they
feel overwhelmed by the pressures and demands Stress is not necessarily a problem in itself – it is normal,
placed upon them; also Supervisors, Managers or and can even be useful. The resulting adrenaline rush
Employees who would like to be able to help helps you to feel ‘supercharged’ and ready to take on the
others to manage. It will raise awareness of world!
personal stress levels, and offer ways to handle This course gives a better understanding of stress, helping
the causes more effectively. Whilst the course will participants to recognise and effectively deal with it in
not remove the things causing the stress, it will themselves and in others.
help to explore ways to cope and feel better.
Objectives Course Outline
What is stress?
By the end of this training, participants will be
able to: Understanding the main causes of stress
Define stress Workplace stressors—are you stressed at
Identify workplace stressors
The signs and symptoms of stress
Recognise the signs and symptoms of
stress in themselves and in others Stress and personality type
Explore ways to handle stress Breaking the stress cycle
Help others to recognize and handle Coping strategies and tips for managing
stress stress
Outline an ongoing action plan for dealing Creating new habits
effectively with stress
A recent UK study found that in 2016/17,
some 12.5 million working days were lost at a
cost to business of around £40 billion, and
over £10 billion to the public.
Although many people believe that they do
not ‘suffer’ from stress, or that it is simply a
modern excuse for avoiding work, the truth is
that virtually everyone will experience some
degree of stress during their life; most people
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 25