Page 28 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 28


      Great communication is critical for successful     Typical Courses
      relationships – work or personal.  But
      successful communication isn’t as simple as               Writing Business Correspondence
      saying the right words.  Who? What? When?
      Where? Why? How?  All matter, and are often               Interpersonal Communication Skills
                                                                Powerful Presentations
      Our Communication Skills courses take the                 Assertiveness Techniques
      elements which create communication and
      show how they can be combined to achieve
      effective communication, and strong

      Our Business Writing courses are aimed at
      those writing in English as their second
      (or third!) language. Templates and standard
      phrases are used to help participants deliver
      an accurate, brief and clear written message.

                                                                 “The art of communication is the
                                                                 language of leadership”

                                                                                                                - James Humes
                                                                         Author and Former Presidential Speechwriter

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