Page 29 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 29
(A Three-Day Training Programme)
Best suited to Overview
Those staff who need to write clear, professional, Business letters, emails and other correspondence
easy-to-understand business correspondence, in give an impression of the sender and the
their second language. The course requires a good organisation. They need to be written in a way that
basic grasp of English, and some exposure to writ- saves time, gets the message across, builds
ing business correspondence. relationships and gives a positive impression.
Jargon, poor layout, badly-sequenced information
and overly-long sentences cause confusion at best,
Objectives and often lead to unnecessary conflict.
This course takes a practical approach to
By the end of this training, participants will be able to: developing business writing skills, including
successfully evaluating business writing.
Repeatable processes and structures will be
Understand how to clearly and concisely introduced and practised, with particular emphasis
transmit their key message
on letters and emails.
Create a positive image through writing
Trainer and peer evaluation and feedback are
Plan, write and edit specific types of written integral to this course and participants will receive
business communication individual feedback about their specific areas for
Properly put together the building blocks of focus.
a business document and write accordingly Participant numbers are limited to maximum 10 on
this training to allow time for writing activities and
Vary the tone of their writing to send an
appropriate message, according to the review.
situation and the receiver Participants will be required to complete written
activities throughout this highly participative course;
Write powerfully and persuasively
these will be paper-based, without auto-correct!
Have a better understanding of the basic
grammar issues frequently faced by
second-language writers
Effectively summarise documents without
losing the main points
Implement simple editing and proofreading
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 29