Page 34 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 34

                                      (A One-Day Training Programme)

     Best suited to
                                                              A lack of confidence often leads to a fall in
      Those wanting to develop their assertiveness            performance, which leads to a lack of confidence.
      skills.                                                 This training helps to break the cycle.

     Objectives                                               Course Outline

     By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
                                                                    Understanding what makes people assertive

                                                                    Benefits, advantages and disadvantages of
            Understand the differences between                       each type of behaviour
             aggressive, passive, and assertive
             behaviour                                              Rights and responsibilities

            Appreciate the benefits of assertiveness
                                                                    Expressing your desired outcome
            Use assertive behaviour to respond to
             other behaviour styles                                 Using assertive communication
            Display appropriate verbal and non-verbal              Elements of assertive communication
             behaviour in different situations
                                                                    Using positive phrases
            Say ‘no’ positively
                                                                    Words and phrases to avoid
            Display self-confidence in a professional
             manner                                                 Ways of saying ‘No’

                                                                    Giving feedback
                                                                    Common techniques for assertiveness
       Assertiveness involves honest, confident and
       straight-forward communication of needs,
       thoughts and opinions, without being aggressive.

       Participants learn how to deal with issues, rather
       than emotions, leading to effective problem
       solving and getting the best result for both sides,
       avoiding the ‘I win, you lose’ mentality.

       This course contains practical suggestions and
       techniques for participants to get the message
       across in a confident manner; to feel comfortable
       saying yes, or no when needed; to handle conflict;
       and to ask for what they need.

             B r o a d e n i n g   t h e   C i r c l e                                34
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