Page 35 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 35
If the people in it are the ‘glue’ that holds an Typical Courses
organisation together, the critical role of the
HR team is clear. However, it is no longer Successful Recruitment Interviewing
only HR professionals who are expected to
carry out traditionally HR functions. Our Running Performance Appraisals
courses are just as relevant to those being Writing Competency-Based Job
faced with HR responsibilities for the first time Descriptions
as to those who are looking to refresh or
develop existing skills. Train The Trainer
Human Resource Management
“In order to build a rewarding employee
experience, you need to understand what
matters most to your people.”
- Julie Bevacqua
Canadian blogger and marketing professional
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 35