Page 37 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 37


       The structured interview is a major recruitment          •  Interview role plays — Interview evaluation &
       tool, and when used correctly, is a highly                  feedback
       effective indicator of a candidate's suitability         •  Offer and retain
       for a job. This programme includes a series of
       presentations, exercises, activities and                 •  Role of assessment centres
       role-plays that are designed to assist
       delegates to better prepare for, and conduct,
       effective interviews.

       Course Outline

                                                           “Hiring the right people takes time, the right
          Steps in the recruitment process
                                                           questions and a healthy dose of curiosity.
          Defining the job role                           What do you think is the most important

               * Job Descriptions                          factor when building your team? For us, it's
          Identifying the ideal candidate

               * Using competencies                                                                       - Richard Branson
               * Writing a Person Specification                 British author, philanthropist and founder of the Virgin Group

          Advertising the role
          Screening applicants

          Interview preparation
               * Essential documentation

               * Creating rapport
               * Active listening

               * Taking notes

          Question types and techniques
          Behavioural interviewing (STAR technique)

          Practical interviewing activity
          Candidate evaluation

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