Page 40 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 40
(A One- Day Training Programme)
Best suited to Course Outline
Human Capital / HR personnel, Managers, Purpose and benefits of job
Supervisors, or anyone required to develop or descriptions
update job descriptions for newly-hired or existing
staff members. Job Analysis
* Who to involve
* Sources of information
* Steps to follow
By the end of this training, participants will be able to: Key components of a job description
Appreciate the need for competency- Competencies
based job descriptions
* Defining competencies
Carry out a job analysis of * Identifying core job competencies
responsibilities and expectations
Writing and reviewing job descriptions
Seek input from appropriate sources
to ensure complete and accurate
Understand the key essential
components to include in every job “ People are the most important thing.
description Business model and product will follow
Produce, review or update job if you have the right people.”
descriptions as needed
- Adam Neuma
Co-founder of WeWork
Well-written job descriptions are essential to an
organisation to communicate the duties and
requirements of each position within it, helping all
Talent Management / HR-related functions from
Recruitment to Performance Management to run
smoothly, consistently and objectively.
Poorly-written or outdated job descriptions, on the
other hand, can be more harm than help.
This one-day training will help to clarify and give
structure to the process of writing effective job
descriptions, with the opportunity to practise the
skills introduced.
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 40