Page 44 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 44
(A One-Day Training Programme)
Best suited to Overview
Those starting their career in a customer Customer satisfaction is a keystone to success
service environment – internal or external – for any organisation. Providing great customer
who wishes to learn new skills and fully service is therefore critical and should be the goal
understand the key concepts of customer of everyone in the organisation – approaching
service. This training will enable them to day-to-day interactions with a solution focus
perform effectively in their role, and create a instead of blame.
‘Wow’ factor for their customers. It involves finding ways to give the customer what
they want, when they want it – every time.
Internal customers need to be treated with the
Objectives same level of care and understanding as external
customers – what happens on the inside of the
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
organisation reflects on the outside.
Explain the concept of customer Just one person can taint a customer’s perception
service of an organisation; this course will leave
participants with a clearer idea of the Why and
Identify the importance and impact of the How of great customer service.
great customer service and excellent
customer care
Course Outline
Recognise the contribution great
customer service makes to the success Defining excellent customer service
of the organisation Defining the customer
Manage the initial contact with the * Internal customers
customer to create a positive first
impression * External customers
* Loyal customers
Recognise the difference between
customer needs and expectations Creating a positive first impression
Use effective communications to make Developing rapport with the customer
a positive impact on customer service
Understanding customer needs
Handle customer complaints and
difficult customers assertively, so that Dealing with difficult customers
the customer is satisfied Handling customer complaints
Manage stressful situations positively Lesson LEARNT
Evaluate the level of customer service Professional telephone etiquette
being displayed within their own
organisation, and identify opportunities Managing stress
for improvement
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 44