Page 36 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 36
(A Two-Day Training Programme)
Best suited to
Specify necessary skills and write
Human Capital / HR personnel, Managers, competency-based interview questions
Supervisors, and any personnel, required to
select and recruit staff as part of their overall job Appreciate the four stages of a
role, and who wish to enhance their selection competency-based interview
skills and knowledge.
Apply and practice the skills and techniques
of interviewing
Follow the steps of candidate evaluation
Objectives and follow up
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
Clearly understand, prepare for, and
manage all aspects of the recruitment and
selection process
Understand the principles of “Competency
Based Recruitment”
Identify the skills and knowledge required
to identify job competencies for specific job
Assess the advantages and limitations of a
competency-based approach to
Define competency requirements in a way
that could be used in recruitment
Identify the skills and knowledge required
to conduct successful interviews “A job interview is not a test of your
Understand the preparation that must be knowledge, but your ability to use it at
completed before the recruitment interview the right time.”
- Unknown
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 36