Page 31 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 31


                                      (A Two- Day Training Programme)

     Best suited to                                           Overview

     Those wishing to evaluate and improve their               Developing the self-confidence required to
     interpersonal communication skills will find this         communicate effectively in the workplace is the key
     course invaluable.                                        objective of this course.

     Objectives                                                It aims to improve the effectiveness of interpersonal
                                                               communication by considering communication from a
                                                               range of perspectives and exploring the skills needed
     By the end of this training, participants  will be able to:   to improve oral communication.

         Understand the relationship between self and         The way we interact with others is influenced by our
           the communication process                           personality as well as theirs.  We often believe we
                                                               know ourselves well, however self-perception is not
         Overcome the barriers to effective                   always objective; without detached insight into our
           communication                                       makeup, our development and relationships can be
         Analyse the importance of communication
           elements                                            This course raises self-awareness, and explores the
                                                               ways in which different behaviour types and
         Listen with purpose                                  personalities interact.  Techniques are developed for
                                                               dealing with a range of interpersonal situations
         Identify common personality types, along with        positively and confidently.
           their strengths and challenges
                                                               As communication is at the heart of interpersonal
         Create positive first impressions
                                                               connections, the elements of communication will be
         Acknowledge the impact of cultural influences        examined and combined in a way that effective
           on communication                                    working and high-quality working relationships are
         Understand the impact of different
           behavioural styles on others
         Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal
           communication techniques

         Communicate calmly and confidently in
           challenging situations

         Give and receive feedback

         Recognise areas and methods for

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