Page 33 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 33
(A Three-Day Training Programme)
Participants on this course deliver their own
Best suited to
presentations which are recorded for their own viewing.
Those needing to be able to present in a Individual and group feedback is given to highlight
structured and more confident way. strengths and areas for further focus.
Participant numbers are limited to maximum 8 on this
Objectives training to allow time for recorded presentations and
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
Course Outline
Plan and prepare an effective presentation
Poor presentation habits and how to
Speak clearly and confidently in a variety of overcome them
presentation situations
Addressing fears
Design and use visual aids
Making a positive first impression
Maintain audience interest
Communication highlights and activities
Handle audience questions and inter-
actions Elements of an effective presentation
Use verbal and non-verbal communication Creating a presentation:
techniques to project confidence * Beginning
Use high impact techniques to start and * Middle
finish a presentation
* Ending
Overview Understanding the audience
One of the most important skills for success in Using a logical sequence
today’s business environment is giving effective Managing questions
presentations. For many people, however, the
thought fills them with dread. Using visual aids
This course will give insight into ways to control Managing stage fright
nerves and present confidently, helping you to Individual presentations
feel prepared and more relaxed for your next
“Your smile is your logo, your personality
Methods for structuring and making memorable is your business card, how you leave
presentations from start to finish are delivered, as others feeling after an experience with you
well as techniques for staying in control and becomes your trademark.”
encouraging audience participation.
– Jay Danzie
Writer, blogger, and motivational speaker
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 33