Page 17 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 17
(A Two-Day Training Programme)
Best suited to Course Outline
Course introduction and objectives
Those Supervisors, Managers and Team Leaders
who want to help their team members achieve Introduction to Coaching & Mentoring
exceptional results and improved performance
levels by building initiative, motivation and self- * Distinguishing between Coaching and
responsibility. Mentoring
* Benefits of coaching for the Coach, the
Objectives Coachee and the Organisation
Impact of Coaching
By the end of this training, participants will be * The Improvement Cycle
able to:
* Who should coach?
Understand the difference between
Coaching and Mentoring Coaching Styles
Understand the benefit of a coaching culture Coaching Communication
on achieving business results Giving and receiving helpful feedback
Learn how to structure a complete coaching Questioning techniques
relationship with your employees
Understanding learning styles
Gain an overview of how to create a * Activist
coaching culture in the organisation
* Reflector
Be familiar with giving and receiving
collaborative and constructive feedback * Theorist
Understand the importance of senior leaders * Pragmatist
in sponsoring and championing the Structuring a coaching relationship
implementation of coaching skills in the
entire organisation * The GROW model
Understand the value of creating a coaching Encouraging an organisational coaching culture
and leadership culture to ensure the What is Mentoring?
organisation performs more effectively.
Skills of a mentor
Components of a mentoring programme
* Models of mentoring
This course allows participants to develop their
coaching skills, and so contribute to a coaching Obstacles to mentoring
culture within the organisation. Preparation and role plays with feedback
“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their growth.”
-John Whitmore
Publisher of the GROW coaching model, author, British racing driver
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 17