Page 19 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 19
(A Three- Day Training Programme)
Course Outline
Best suited to
Those with some experience of team leadership. Management vs Leadership
* Management theories
Objectives * The role of Emotional Intelligence
By the end of this training, participants will be able * Developing and maintaining a positive
to: mindset
Understand the role and functions of a * Motivation theories and techniques
* Stress management
Appreciate various styles of management
Use Emotional Intelligence to influence their Communication
management practices
* Using the full range of communication tools
Set goals and action plans
* Assertive communication habits
Manage time more effectively
* Using persuasion ad negotiation
Understand how to work to priority
* Conflict management
Understand how to motivate team members
* Successful coaching
Delegate effectively
Carry out appraisals and counselling, making
use of effective feedback techniques Planning & Organising, Team Building
Communicate effectively in a range of * Setting goals and objectives
situations * Working to priorities
Develop staff through coaching * Personal organisation and time management
Understand team roles * Effective delegation
* Team Roles
Overview * Stages of team development
This course gives a broad base of knowledge to
help participants have greater insight into their
own management style, and alternatives
available. It gives practical techniques for
common challenges, which can be taken back
into the day-to-day workplace.
B r o a d e n i n g t h e C i r c l e 19