Page 11 - Radius Training Corporate Brochure
P. 11

                                     (A Three-Day Training Programme)

     Best suited to                                        As in all job roles, supervisors are under   pressure to
                                                           meet performance goals and maintain standards.  For the
                                                           new supervisor, however, this is often the first step into
       Those new to Team Leader / Supervisor /             people management and presents a whole host of
       Manager positions.                                  challenges above and beyond task performance.
                                                           The course gives delegates a practical idea of the
                                                           knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to increase
       Objectives                                          their effectiveness in their role, and an understanding of
                                                           the further skills needed to continue to progress.
       By the end of this training, participants  will
       be able to:
                                                           Course Outline
           Understand the role and functions of a
             manager                                            Introduction to Supervisory Management

           Appreciate various styles of                            * Duties and qualities of an effective supervisor

               management                                           * Common challenges of the supervisor
           Set goals and action plans                              * Understanding diversity in the workplace

           Manage time more effectively                       Supervisory Skills
           Understand how to work to priority                      * Mastering key supervisory skills

           Apply motivational techniques to                        * Defining different leadership styles
               enhance team members’ performance                    * Assessing personal leadership style

           Delegate effectively                               Managing Employee Motivation

           Carry out appraisals and counselling,                   * What motivates / de-motivates people at work
             making use of effective feedback
             techniques                                             * Popular motivation theories
                                                                    * The role of the supervisor in motivating others
           Communicate assertively
                                                                    * Creating and sustaining a favourable work
           Develop staff competencies

      This course is suitable for those who are new
      to people management, and gives participants
      a  broad base of knowledge as well as the
      opportunity to  explore their own particular
      areas of concern.

             B r o a d e n i n g   t h e   C i r c l e                                11
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