Page 14 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 14
was an introduction to one who needed the intercession to Spirit so
that they could once again resume normal life. The facility I had made
for Spirit was to be used. It was clear that I had been informed
correctly. Spirit had acknowledged my preparation, found it
satisfactory and sent the first person. Through the clarity of my
commitment Spirit has continued to use this space.
This first person was the pioneer. An individual who did not
realise what he was doing for so many others in the future. The
confidence I gained in my ability to be a channel for Spiritual Healing
and the trust I gained in Spirit through this first encounter cannot be
sufficiently evaluated. That initial commitment has been maintained
all these years without any change. Since then Spirit continues to keep
its bargain. People keep on coming – and Spirit keeps on healing
The need for this book became clear when people who found
the area of Spiritual Healing appealing came to enquire. There were
no clear guidelines readily available for them to work with. There was
always material available to direct them into the snake pit of
Many psychics persist in pandering to the ego of their client
by telling them that they, the client, have the healing gift. What power
the ‘psychic’ appears to have, to be able to recognise the healing
ability in others! What power the client feels they have to possess the
gift of healing! So much rubbish is talked about in so-called psychic
circles. Spiritual Healing is neither a power nor a gift.
It was obvious that there were less scrupulous who felt they
didn’t need to make any preparations, that they knew it all, and who
went out to heal irrespective of the motivation or the subsequent
consequences. There was an urgency that some standard was
established. This standard could not be set without a provision being
made for a training programme. The National Federation of Spiritual