Page 15 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 15
Healers in Great Britain is a body set up to promote Spiritual Healing
and to provide training for people wishing to take to the Spiritual
Healing path and has made great strides in establishing a formal
programme for the training of Spiritual Healers. They feel, in their
experience, it takes approximately two years as a probationary healer
before one is qualified to become a full healer – and then only if
certain provisions are met.
The fundamental questions asked about Spiritual Healing are;
“What is Spiritual Healing? How do I become a Spiritual Healer? Can
anybody be a Spiritual Healer?”
It is very difficult to produce a general answer for the specific
questions, but this book could be used by a Spiritual Healing study
group or an individual seeking to evolve further toward his or her
spiritual goal in life. No doubt questions will arise as you read but it is
only necessary that you address these questions to the source of all
knowledge. In time the answer will evolve for you. Trust in this.
This book has been separated into two parts, the first dealing
with the philosophy of Spiritual Healing, and the second dealing with
the practice of Spiritual Healing. There has been a lot published on
this subject, much highlighting it’s psychic nature. Spirit has told us
that, “.....psychic is Spirit without direction.” Therefore, where
Spiritual Healing is concerned, the area of psychism should be
avoided both by healer and by recipient.
Many books deal with a very basic outline of Spiritual
Healing and include details of case histories. Other titles have
integrated therapies and techniques to produce a volume of more
publishable proportions. This book does not include case histories nor
does it detail other therapies.
Spiritual Healing in its essence is not difficult either for Spirit
or for the channel. Complications have been introduced over the
years, very often to present a glossier front, a more egotistical power