Page 17 - Life Dying Death and Spirit
P. 17
The After (Earth) Life
-The Spirit World
We wish to attempt to describe this world to you. We have once before described this
world as a world of what you would term fantasy. Many of your writers have had to ascend
into the world of fantasy in order to create a picture that represents utopia. The degree of
perfection that can be envisaged by this practice is unbelievable. You see we are already into
the concept that the conditions you will encounter are very difficult to believe. We have also
said that belief is only a part of the way to the truth. For you to experience of this truth will
necessitate your totally entering this world.
We have suggested that meditation it a good way of reaching the doorway into this
realm. You will have read that Jesus would lead his disciples into the Kingdom and how they
experienced the ecstasy of that encounter. That Jesus brought them to the doorway in
meditation and enabled them to glimpse into this world and to get a taste of the happiness and
joy that exists here. You also can have that experience. You can also have the experience of
meeting those whom you loved when they were sharing your world with you. Naturally you
cannot stay here for any length of time because you have to complete your life there first, but
it is nice to know that this world is here for you to return to. People who practice meditation
and gain a greater experience will describe it as returning home. This is indeed what it is.
This is the home of your immortal self, the home of your Spirit.
You might ask what we do all day. We do not have day, we do not have night. What
we have is continuous happiness. To help you understand we would like to compare your
daily existence with our life here. When you have a good day and are happily enjoying
yourself you will wish the day never ends. We see you getting tired but you still persist in
getting the last ounce of enjoyment out of the day. You use stimulants in order to sustain your
energy levels and thus stretch your limits. We have no tiredness and our day never ends. We
have boundless energy. We have an uncluttered imagination. We can create our world to
enable us to continue our happy pursuits. We have a greater clarity as to satisfying our needs.
We know that we have survived death (often our greatest mortal fear). Are you getting an
idea of our world? We want to share this happiness with you but if you reject our suggestions
as being too fantastic then you cannot share.
Fantasy is easy to destroy. You just stop believing and it’s gone. This is why there are
more pessimistic people. This is why there so many depressed people. They suffer the sense
of hopelessness that is fuelled by the lack of fantasy. Children see so many possibilities for
their own futures provided they are allowed by the adult to fantasise. How often their dreams
are crushed by the disillusioned adult telling them that the fantasy they are engaged in is not
part of the real world. Yet the world we live in is the real world and is a world of fantasy. Is it
not possible that the child has a greater sense of the real world and that the adult can learn to