Page 18 - Life Dying Death and Spirit
P. 18
seek the potentials that the child’s fantasy can expose the adult to it? It’s the adult who is
loosing out and who is showing their ignorance by not sharing in the child’s gift. The child
soon stops dreaming and the illusion turns into disillusion. The child grows into the depressed
adult with no hope of living, only the hope of surviving, it’s potential to create a happy life
Think of this. Allow yourself to seek the dream that can make you happy. Allow
yourself to fantasise. It is a wonderful place to be and a very spiritual place to be - provided
you invite us into your thoughts. We can then share our views of the life we have. Remember
to us the real life is here in this fantasy land and this world is no illusion except to those who
refuse to acknowledge that there is a kind loving God who as the creator of every thing has
prepared this world of continuance so that we may be eternally happy.
Go rest in His Love and dream on.