Page 15 - Life Dying Death and Spirit
P. 15

Dying—A Painless Process

                       We have talked about death and now we would like to enlighten you to the experience
               of dying. Many people seem to fear the dying process and do not realise that it is a painless
               process. You are aware that when a person undergoes surgery they are anaesthetised so that
               they  do  not  feel  the  pain  of  the  surgeon’s  scalpel.  The  anaesthetic  alters  the  patient’s
               consciousness away from the pain sensors. For some time after the operation the patient is
               under the influence of the drug and when that wears off the pain returns. The process of dying
               is somewhat similar.

                       Imagine a person who is suffering from a disorder that is causing them terrible pain.
               The pain could be so bad that they feel death would be preferable, even with the fear they
               might have around it. On the physical conscious level they fear but on a spiritual level they
               know  that  the  relief  will come  when they  detach  from  the  physical  body.  Spirit  does  not
               experience pain. The only suffering that a spirit can experience is the absence of Gods Love.
               The further the spirit is from God the weaker is the feeling of that Love. In the physical body
               the spirit can experience all the emotions associated with that pain that the body is feeling.
               That person in that pain cannot translate their feelings into spiritual understanding because
               firstly, they do not always have the spiritual education to correctly analyse and secondly, the
               pain is so intense that they cannot rise above it. When that person can understand the cause
               and experience of their disability then they can make rational choices to recover from the
               malady or to choose the alternative of dying. This decision can only be made on a spiritual
               level of consciousness. Whatever the choice it is generally found that the pain diminishes
               with the understanding. Should the decision be to die then the observer will see peace come
               over the dying person as their consciousness alters into it’s spiritual state and often the dying
               person will see some of their friends who are already in the spirit world calling to them in
               reassurance. All this can be disconcerting to the observer should they not have the experience
               of knowing about death. Where there is knowledge about death spirit can more easily leave
               the body and also Spirit can help more in the after death process.

                       There  is  relief  from  pain  in  death.  The  pain  remains  in  the  physical  world  and
               particularly with those who have to continue in life without their loved one. If they were to
               know the peace and happiness that their dearly departed is experiencing they would get such
               comfort. The observer remembers the body’s reaction to the feeling of pain and sometime if
               the body struggles to resist the spirit leaving it, they can often suffer great anguish at the
               apparent distress that their loved one suffered. Their loved one did not suffer. The body is
               similar  to  a  mechanical  device  that  is  programmed  to  react  in  certain  ways  to  certain
               stimulation. Even in death it will react. It takes some time before the physical energy totally
               discharges  and  the  physical  body  goes  into  total  repose.  Know  that  death  is  only  a
               transformation from one temporary state of consciousness to the real consciousness of spirit.
               Would that you would come to us more often and experience our world, your 'to be' world,
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