Page 10 - Life Dying Death and Spirit
P. 10
like to tell you that the human experience is not unpleasant and with the knowledge that there
is a continuance of life, albeit in a different form than you occupy at present, it is not a
strange feeling to be in your Spirit form. It is a familiar feeling but does take a little
adjustment in order to invoke that memories of previous Spirit existence. You will get plenty
of assistance from all your friends when you arrive here.
Do not fear death. Unfortunately mankind has used the human fear of death as a tool
to control with. The threat of murder, of war are typical of this way. Remember death has
many forms and really is just the ending of a phase in your eternal existence but not only that,
it represents the potential of a birth into the next phase. If you have found that you understand
the potential of positive progress this change will be looked forward to by you and not feared.
If you were to know that death carries no pain and that it releases you into a new and better
existence you would not have the reluctance to experience death.
You are not about to die. That is not why we speak of death this time. To Spirit death
holds no mystery. Go rest in God’s Love knowing that all is well with you and for you.