Page 9 - Life Dying Death and Spirit
P. 9

Living is a Dying Process

                       We spoke to you on the subject of miracles and how you can introduce them in an
               everyday way into you life so that life itself is one long happy miracle. This is the way your
               life should be. If you keep this idea as your goal then you will achieve it. You must not put
               yourself under any pressure in attempting to achieve this state as that pressure in itself will
               cause restrictions in the implementation of your personal Divine Plan.

                       We like to see you progress. We do not see you when you drop behind your potential.
               Let us explain. We cannot look back. Once we move forward we cannot go back. That is
               positive potential. We are in view of our destiny and therefore have no desire to digress from
               that  goal.  We  have  explained  to  you  before  that  though  we  may  guide  you,  our  level  of
               consciousness is such that at the times we are your guide we are only a few steps further
               forward than you are. In this way we are better attuned to your needs. It is in our interests that
               you progress continuously as this allows us to attain our “higher” spiritual status and that is
               such a pleasant state that we would share it with you should you permit yourself to join us. It
               is always in your interest that you acknowledge that this state is for you. When we spoke of
               the introduction of miracles into your life it is closely related to this blissful state we refer to.
               There is no comfort in austerity, penance, or any negativity of that nature. This is why we
               suggest that sacrifice is unnecessary. That is a negative state.

                       Back is negative and that is why we cannot go in that direction and remain positive.
               When you regress we loose sight of you. When we loose sight of you we wait for you to
               return to sight. You achieve this by seeking your path and this in turn brings you back into
               contact with us. We do not have time so it is no great inconvenience for us to wait whether it
               be  minutes,  days  or  years.  Do  not  distress  yourself  at  the  thought  of  your  delaying  our

                       We  would  recommend  to  you  that  “back”  should  not  be  a  choice  for  you  either.
               Proceed from where you are. It is simple. If you realise that you have been digressing then
               you have actually progressed to the point where you began to digress. So there is no need to

                       Life is wonderful no matter where you spend it. It is full of possibility and hope. That
               you are in the physical world or in the Spirit World makes little difference. We live with the
               same prospect of hope as you do. There is a difference however and that is that we have had
               the benefit of the conscious experience of death of our physical bodies. You do not have this
               experience in your conscious memory however and the threat of that experience will act as
               your  guidance  perhaps  more  than  any  other  fear  you  may  have.  The  instinct  of  human
               survival is precedential to you. We will be talking on this topic later but for now we would
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