Page 13 - Life Dying Death and Spirit
P. 13

Animals and Death

                       We will continue with our conversations around the subject of death. Life can not be
               discussed  without  discussing  death.  The  process  of  Spirit  evolvement  includes  both  so
               therefore an understanding of the roles of both need deliberation.

                       Humankind  looks  down  of  members  of  the  animal  kingdom  as  being  less  than
               humankind in value or status. This is a common ignorance carried by, unfortunately, most of
               the human race. If something is “evil” it very often carries the symbol of a snake or some
               such. If something is dirty the symbol of the fly is often attached. These creatures are all part
               of the Divine Creation and therefore must be of God. In the understanding of that which is of
               God there is also the understanding that all parts of creation are embedded with the imprint of
               the creator. Animals therefore do posses a Spirit and because they have an incarnate, physical
               body also have soul. The arrogance of humankind denies the human the positive opportunity
               to learn from the experiences of the animal. Remember that the experience of one is also the
               experience  of  any  who  share  what  ever that experience  is, in  whatever  aspect they  share.
               Humankind is animal in it’s physical sense. This association with all living things needs to be
               recognised before true harmony can exist in your world. How humbling it is for you to realise
               that you share that world of yours on an equal basis with the fly and the snake and indeed the
               pig. You are neither more nor any less important no matter how you may think you have
               improved your self beyond them.

                       Like  humankind  animals  survive  death  or  should  we  say  that  their  soul  and  Spirit
               survive death in the same way that humankind experiences it. They too have the opportunity
               of continuous evolvement. Some have even experienced the life of a human being. You can
               also  make  this  choice  to  incarnate  in  human  animal  form,  and  maybe  you  already  have
               experienced  the  life  of  a  dog  or  cat  etc.  You  will  often  experience  the  presence  of  your
               departed pet, and the surviving pets you may have will show the signs that they also can see
               or sense that same presence. It is comforting to know that they are there for you, waiting. It is
               also comforting to know that the reason they would wait for you is their response to the love
               and understanding  you afforded them while they shared life with you. Every creature you
               have shown kindness to will be there to return that kindness to you when you return to the
               Spirit World. You have been told that you cannot take anything with you when you die and
               here is one thing that has been stored for you to return to, kindness.

                       This  introduces  the  problem  of  meat  eating.  There  are  other  animals  besides  the
               human that eat meat. Why then should it be different? If you are aware that the design of
               creation includes the supply of food for the animals to share in, including the meat of other
               animals, then you must see that your instincts to consume various foods will often carry the
               desire to eat meat. The problem is that there is a difference between slaughter and sacrifice.
               The Spirit who decides to incarnate into a form that will supply the food chain makes the
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