Page 75 - Demo
P. 75

STEP 4 – Test & Launch
eventually result in a “model” for production deployment.
This is a process of “business acceptance testing” that will ensure the software works using live data that has been processed in your respective operational departments. This requires representation from each operational area affected. Only these “subject matter experts” understand the data and expected results well enough to verify that the software produces accurate results and will function well in your departments.
The model office team members pull data from their own departmental workflow. Their assignment is to collect the common scenarios, as opposed to exception processing. Exceptional transactions and processes, that might occur rarely or never, can be ignored. The objective is to gather the common business scenarios. These become test cases in a real- life perfect world, a simulation of a day in life of your operating departments and your business using the new solution.
In the model office team, we are gathering a collection of people with knowledge of how your business operates, as opposed to analytical skills. Their assignment is to assemble these typical “day in the life”

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