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Spice It Up: HERBS
Dried oregano falling from a glass shaker was taste, Thai basil is a popular ingredient in
the closest many of us got to herbs as children. Thai, Vietnamese, and Chinese foods. It also
So, if you’re always in search of ways to add a adds a nice twist to pesto, watermelon salad,
little zing to meals, make mint, cilantro, flat- and salad dressings.
leaf parsley (also known as Italian parsley), Throw in some chives wherever you need
basil, and chives kitchen staples, so you can a hint of onion. Popular in French cuisine,
easily add them to your food.
chives pop in egg dishes, such as quiches
Fresh mint is less jarring than its candy and omelets. They also enhance chili, salads,
imitators. It gives an air of freshness to pasta dips, seafood, and many potato recipes.
dishes, punches Indian and Middle Eastern Because heat can distort their flavors,
recipes, and livens chocolate desserts. fresh herbs should be added near the end
With its delicate and lemony taste, cilantro of cooking or just before serving. Dried
is popular in Mexican and Indian recipes. herbs can take the heat but be careful if
Cilantro brings a fresh, welcome flavor to substituting dried herbs for fresh — the
seafood dishes, salads, sauces, and dips. flavors are generally more intense.
Flat-leaf parsley’s slightly peppery yet citrus Instead of searching for new recipes, create
taste is the reason it’s the star of many Middle new tastes with a handful of mint, cilantro,
Eastern foods, such as tabbouleh, recipes flat-leaf parsley, basil, or chives.
featuring ricotta, and sauces like gremolata.
You probably know sweet basil is a hit when
paired with mozzarella and olive oil. Also, its use-herbs/
robust flavor with a hint of anise makes it a
great addition to Italian cuisine, sorbets, juices, healthy-herbs-and-spices
soups, and salads. Because of its strong licorice
spotlight on superfOOds:
There’s a world of root vegetables beyond thick skins. Therefore, pairing them with
potatoes and carrots. Not only are they filling, protein or healthy fat is a good idea. It makes
they’re also nutritious. the meal more filling, slows digestion, and
decreases the chances of blood sugar spikes.
Root vegetables are packed with vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants. For example, a cup In moderation, a root vegetable can be the
of mashed turnips has 51 calories and 76 mg star of a meal. So instead of boiling or baking,
of calcium. A cup of parsnips supplies your try braising or grilling fennel, yams (a true
body with a quarter of the vitamins C and yam, not a mislabeled sweet potato), cassavas,
K and folate needed for one day. A medium- and golden beets. Plus, combine these types
sized rutabaga provides you with 107% of of produce with interesting spices, herbs, or
your daily requirements of vitamin C and 35% other seasonings to give the neutral vegetable
of potassium. some kick, like in miso-glazed turnips, cassava
Plus, most root vegetables, including cassavas, with garlic citrus sauce, and spicy scalloped
yams, parsnips, and Jerusalem artichokes, are rutabagas with parsley.
brimming with antioxidants, compounds that Source:
can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, and other diseases. healthy/the-pros-and-cons-of-root-vegetables
Root vegetables’ high starch content, which
makes them so filling, comes from the high vegetable/guides/the-crops-of-texas/root-and-
amount of carbohydrates stored within their tuber-crops/