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Nutrition NOte: LEAN MEATS
Having a plant-forward diet doesn’t mean same impact on low-density lipoprotein
that red meat must disappear from your cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) as a piece of
pantry. On the contrary, there are various white meat chicken.
lean cuts of meat for flexitarians to enjoy and Not only is meat filling in a way that only
maintain their healthy lifestyles.
meat is, it’s also nutritious. For example, beef
Carnivores can have steak without worry. supplies a host of vitamins (some that aren’t
Yes, steak. Top sirloin, bottom round roast readily available from other sources), iron,
and steak, eye of round roast and steak, and zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and, of course,
top round roast and steak have no more than protein. Just like people, animals are what they
5 grams of total fat, 2 grams of saturated eat. Studies have shown that grass-fed animals
fat, and 95 milligrams of cholesterol in a have a third of the fat as their grain-fed cousins
3.5-ounce serving, so they are considered but more omega-3 fatty acids.
lean or extra lean. Researchers recommend Like everything in life, meat should be eaten
limiting red meat consumption to about in moderation. A sensible diet can include all
one to two servings a week. types of foods, including red meat.
In general, the more fat, the more flavor. Source:
However, these low-fat proteins have great
taste and texture. Pork lovers can devour nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/cuts-
pork loin, tenderloin, and center-cut chops of-beef/art-20043833
without care. In addition, lean cuts of
lamb — loin, shank, and leg — have the meat-bad-for-you/
spotlight on superfOOds: On The Rise: FLEXITARIAN DIET
ROOT VEGETABLES A flexitarin diet is an approach to eating safety, higher meat prices, and overall health
that is changing the way many people eat. FLEXITARIANS SHOULD: have driven many to reduce the amount of
Flexitarians (the name is a combination of • Consume primarily fruits, meat they eat. However, many people don’t
“flexible” and “vegetarian.”) have a plant- vegetables, whole grains, have the creativity, time, or energy to come up
forward lifestyle that allows the occasional and legumes. with dishes that fill them up without meat or
consumption of meat. • Focus on protein from plants are not boring. If this sounds like you, try this
This less stressful method of eating has instead of animals. less stressful way to a healthier way of living.
become more popular in recent years as people • Incorporate meat and animal Source:
have become tired of stringent approaches to products from time to time.
dining. Flexitarians don’t have to avoid any • Eat food in its least-processed archive/2014/06/how-americans-used-to-
foods or eating at certain times of the day or state. eat/371895/
for specific lengths of time. • Limit added sugar and sweets.
Registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner diet-works-4588694
created the flexitarian lifestyle in 2008. She This flexible approach to eating makes this
recommended people make realistic yet lifestyle popular. Concerns about the toll
healthy food choices. livestock have on the environment, food