Page 26 - WM E-Learning Handbook
P. 26
Slide Topic Content Notes
If You Experience Asphyxiation Never inhale natural gas in a
Symptoms closed environment
Overexposure symptoms
Shortness of breath
and/or unconsciousness
Evacuate/get fresh
air/call 9-1-1 if necessary
Safety Practices When Servicing Always follow manufacturer’s
NGVs procedures
Know whether the
component or section of the
system is high pressure or
low pressure
Turn off gas supply to
appropriate section of the
fuel system
Depressurize the work area
and/or defuel the fuel system
Never put a wrench on a
pressurized fitting unless you
are certain it has been
depressurized and you have
no other alternative
Depressurizing Cylinders, Valves Follow manufacturer’s
or PRDs procedures
Generic description of
Determine which valve,
PRD and/or cylinder is to
be serviced or replaced
Shut off the other
cylinder valves
Use defueling procedure
to completely defuel the
affected cylinder
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