Page 166 - Our World 2E_AmE_L6_SB-
P. 166
2 Read. Complete with the correct words.
1 Listen and read. TR: 9.11 1. The old paper is a .
An extract from Treasure Island 2. The map shows where is buried.
3. Mr. Trelawney will take
to find a ship.
Treasure Island is a famous adventure story. It is about a young boy, Jim Hawkins, 4. Jim will be a on the ship.
who sails to find the treasure of the pirate Captain Flint. In this adapted extract,
Jim shows an old paper he has found to Mr. Trelawney and Dr. Livesey.
3 Read. Answer the questions. Work with a partner.
The paper had been sealed in several places. The doctor opened the seals very
carefully, and the map of an island fell out, marked with the names of hills and bays 1. Why do the characters think the instructions were written by Captain Flint?
and natural harbours, and full instructions for landing a ship safely on its shores. The 2. Do you think the map and instructions would be easy to follow? Why or
island was about nine miles long and five miles across. It was shaped like a fat dragon why not? How could you make it clearer?
standing up. It had two good harbours, and a hill in the centre of it, which was
marked “The Spy-glass.” There were several other notes, but most interesting of all, 3. Do you think the characters will find the treasure? What else will happen
there were three crosses written in red ink—two on the north part of the island, and in the story?
one in the southwest. Next to this third cross, in the same red ink, and in very neat 4. Do you believe in pirates and buried treasure? Why or why not?
handwriting, were these words: “Main treasure here.”
On the back of the map, the following instructions were written in the 4 Express yourself. Choose an activity.
same handwriting:
I 1. magine you have hidden some treasure. Draw a treasure map and write
instructions. Can your friend find the “treasure?”
Tall tree, Spy-glass shoulder, pointing N. to N.N.E. 2. Create a time capsule to bury in your playground or near your school.
Skeleton Island E.S.E. and to the E. Choose some objects and write a brief description of each object. Then
present your time capsule to the class. Who will find it in the future?
Ten feet.
The silver bar is in the north hiding place; you can find it by following 3. What’s your favorite adventure story?
the east hill, sixty feet south of the black rock with the face on it. Write a review of the story.
The rest of the treasure is in the sand-hill, above north inlet cape,
towards the N.E.
That was all, but it filled Mr Trelawney and Dr Livesey with delight.
“Livesey,” said Mr Trelawney, “We will leave for Bristol tomorrow. In three weeks’
time—no two weeks, no ten—days! We’ll have the best ship in England. You can come
as the cabin-boy, Hawkins. You will be the ship’s doctor, Livesey; I will be the captain.
With good weather, we won’t have any difficulty in finding
the spot, and . . . the treasure will be ours!”
164 Extended Reading 165