Page 69 - Impact of WfH study report _SCOPE-ILO_Neat
P. 69
E. Loss of Informal F. Extended G. Implementin H. Protecting
Knowledge Decision- g Policies, company data
Sharing (e.g. making Policy without the risk
sharing time, also Changes of any data
experiences/ide Enforcing and breach
as that kept the Regulations incidents and
team members decisions malware
connected on a attacks.
personal level)
I. Ensuring the J. Maintaining K. Providing up- L. Any Other,
safety and well- positive to-date Please Specify:
being of team attitudes information
members and and
motivation guidance to
among staff staff
how to
and what to
do in case of
Q15. In addition to specific work related challenges, what are the other challenges
faced while working from Home? Select all that apply.
A. Getting preoccupied with B. Blurred C. Feeling of
Unpaid care work (e.g. boundaries loneliness,
household chores between work anxiety, and
/responsibilities that includes and personal life depression
additional attention to children
due to school closures and
remote learning)
D. Lack of understanding and E. Lack of F. Any Other,
higher expectations on the part inspirational Please
of family members work Specify:
Q16. During the work from home arrangement, did you experience any kind of threat
or any act of violence and harassment by family members or anyone else which
made you feel unsafe and uncomfortable?