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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     Club Veterans                                                         Democratic Forum

         students who serve there. The finale of the day was being invited to the   Wed. December 13, 2:30PM- Steering Committee Meeting at the
         annual “Hoops for Heroes” basketball game (WJU vs Oregon Tech).         Retreat.**
         During the game students welcomed and honored the Club Vets for our     Wed. January 6, 1:00PM – Brown Bag Lunch and Forum*
         support for the Veterans now attending the university to get their      *All regular meetings are at The Retreat in the Wellness Room at
         degrees. Lastly, the school had a military fly-by for all those who     1:00PM the first Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted.
         attended that day’s event. What a pleasure it was!                      ** Steering Committee Meetings are at 2:30PM on the second
         We are proud to announce the establishment our first Veteran’s          Wednesday of each month in the Wellness Room.
         Scholarship program for a deserving veteran student at WJU. Our
         scholarship will be awarded this coming Spring along with all the other                          Digital World Club
         earned scholarships.                                                    The Digital World Club (DWC) is taking a winter break in December.
         There will be no meeting in December due to the holidays. Next meeting  We’ll see you in January to share info about any new devices you
         is on January 11th at 10:00AM. We wish everyone a safe Holiday.         received or bought during the holiday season!
                                                                                 The Digital World Club meets on the second Wednesday of the month
                                                                                 (except for August and December) at 10 AM, typically in The Retreat
         Cornhole (also known regionally as sack toss, or bags) is a lawn game in  library room.
         which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised,   Get on the DWC email list to receive information about our monthly
         angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score   meetings and general information about the digital world we live in by
         points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag   checking the Digital World Club box in your profile.
         through the hole (three points).                                        Contact Rick Koehler for help at 916-749-3022 or
         We establish teams each time from a lottery draw.  We ask for $2 as we
         use the funds for prizes at the end of the evening.  Weather dictates if we
         play inside in the Wellness Room or outside under the covered patio.                                Hand and Foot
         Play for December will only be the first week of December.  Play will be  Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm
         on December 4th and 6th.   Monday play is at 1:00 pm and Wednesday      until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who
         play is at 5:30 pm.                                                     plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards
         A sign-up email is sent out approximately one week before scheduled     so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  Come join us and have some fun. If
         play.  We have had great turnout so in order to give everyone a chance to  you would like to learn to play or have questions contact: Gloria Cordle-
         play, we ask that initially you only sign up for your first choice.  Then   Borley 209-402-1933 or  We will not be playing
         place your name on the wait list for the other day.  If there is room for   on Friday, November 24th.
         additional players, we will notify the players from the waitlist.                                 Helping Hands 2.0
         All new players are welcome!
                                                                                 This is the last Courier of 2023.  We have been happy to be a part of this
                                                                                 community and helping our residents enjoy our events, while providing
         MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED                          for those in need in our area.
         AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                                  We have lots of things coming up in 2024: Bevs and Bites, Helping
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from  Hands Happy Hour which replaces Coffee and Chat.  Please watch for
         10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.      our This is the last Courier of 2023.  We have been happy to be a part of
         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in  this community and helping our residents enjoy our events, while
         a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the      providing for those in need in our area.
         game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each      We have lots of things coming up in 2024: Bevs and Bites, Helping
         others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan  Hands Happy Hour which replaces Coffee and Chat.  Please watch for
         Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-      our invitation for the first one on February 2nd!  We will also be having
         8984.                                                                   an All Member Helping Hands meeting on Thursday, Jan 18 at 4pm at
                                                                                 The Retreat.  Our All-Resident Wine Social with A Guest Speaker,
                                   Democratic Forum
                                                                                 (Iseline Annonio will be our guest again) on Thursday, March 21.  And
         Hello Fellow Dems…                                                      of course, our Fashion Show and Luncheon on Wed, April 24.
         Interested in shaping the direction of the Dems Forum in 2024? Then we  VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH:
         need you! Please come to our December steering committee meeting        Since we depend on Volunteers to make our group work, we will be
         December 13 at 2:30PM at The Retreat.                                   having a “Volunteer of the Month.” Our Steering Committee will choose
         Are you ready to tackle the political conundrums of 2024? Then you      that person for their outstanding service.  We will be starting it this
         won’t want to miss our first Brown Bag Discussion of the year on        month and we have chosen Nancy Stevens, who has been with us since
         January 3 at 1:00PM in the Wellness Room at the retreat. Some are       the very beginning.  Nancy has excelled and is the epitome of what a
         saying this next election will be the most important of our lives. So bring  volunteer should be.  She was always there to cook many meals; serve
         your lunch and get ready for some intriguing discussions.               and provide food at many Coffee and Chats; been a model at the fashion
         SAVE THE DATES                                                          shows, as well helping to plan them, among other things.  Whenever we
         Wed. December 6, 12:00PM – Annual Winter Holiday Bash and               needed help, Nancy was there to provide the help we needed.  Thank
         Luncheon at Original Al’s. (Sorry. RSVP date has passed.)               you, Nancy, for all you have done for Helping Hands.
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