Page 3 - 2023-12
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TREASURER, Terry Eyrich to a third-party vendor who will cover the burden associated with
their salaries. Burden is the insurance and employer costs, etc that
The 2024 Budget includes a $20 per house/per month must be paid for each contracted employee. We have been assured by
increase in assessments. There seems to be a common Guiding Fitness that we will continue with the same fitness team. We
misunderstanding of the budget process. Some mem- increased the reserve contribution to rectify being underfunded in
bers have asked for the rationale behind this increase. previous years and to increase funding in anticipation of future com-
Our process in developing the 2024 budget was to review our actual mon area replacement expenses. Private rentals and events income
expenses for 2023. Next, we developed our 2024 budget based on can offset assessments, but they do not prevent increases. Some mem-
our review and adjusted budget lines to reflect our actual and antici- bers have asked but unfortunately there will almost never be a de-
pated increases. After the budget was developed for 2024, we deter- crease in assessments no matter the revenue generated each year.
mined the revenue needed to balance our budget which resulted in an
increase in monthly assessments. Listed below is a detailed explana- Assessment history for the last 10 years showed an increase of only
tion of many of the factors which were considered in developing the $67.00. We have been increasing only $2-5 each year until the last
2024 Budget. couple of years. In 2014, the quarterly assessment was $472.50
($157.50 per month). Moving into 2024, we will be at $675.00 quar-
With the inception of the community circa 2006, most of our other terly ($225.00 per month). In 10 years, most communities have easily
assets not included in the remodeling project have been aging and increased assessments by $100.00 + per month. Communities aver-
nearing the end of their useful life. In the last few years, inflation has age $5-$25 increases each year if they’re being fiscally responsible.
not worked in our favor and consequently we have had to increase As we add amenities, the need to bank for repairs and replacements
assessments accordingly. must also be factored in. We did some research and neighboring com-
munities with similar services are paying between $280 and $300 per
The following adjustments were projected for 2024: Anticipated in- month for 2024.
surance increase of a minimum of 18-20% (with no claims on file).
We budgeted 19% to be safe. There were increases in gas costs; in- Amenities that make The Retreat inviting for members to come and
creases in music and maintenance line items to adjust to actuals and use include music (both in the building and live events), Zoom access
increases in landscape to adjust to actuals. The contract with Bel- for meetings, newspaper subscriptions, coffee/tea/etc. These ameni-
laVista Landscape is more than the previous vendor because many of ties cost roughly $5,000.00 per year. If you were to remove these
the services that were billed outside of the contract with BrightView items, we would only save $0.60 a month per Owner. It can be frus-
are now included in the general maintenance contract including but trating when assessments increase. The Board has worked diligently
not limited to: irrigation tech hours, aeration, fertilization and pre- to develop the 2024 budget minimizing the increase as much as possi-
emergent. Onsite salaries were increased to be closer to market-rate. ble without being fiscally irresponsible.
To offset a larger increase in this area, we have taken the fitness team
It’s Wonderful Life - End of the year Bash Fri., Dec. 1st 6:00pm
Shannon Van Every Craft Fair Sat., Dec. 2nd 10:00am or 916-771-7801 Color Pencil Class Wed., Dec. 6&13 3:00pm
CaptionCall Presentation Tue., Dec. 5th 2:00pm
In the Courier you receive at home you will find a yellow postcard inside. Pancake Breakfast Fri., Dec. 8th 8:00am
Please fill out the card and bring it by The Retreat if you have any updates to Antelope Marching Band Fri., Dec. 8th 7:00pm
the Resident Directory. If you are unable to bring the card by you may call Holiday Harmony Presentation Mon., Dec. 11th 9:30am
us as well 916-771-7801. The Resident Directory will be printed at the end Cooking with Mayumi Thur., Dec. 14th 6:30pm
of December so please complete and return the card prior to December 15th. Kip Attaway Show Tues., Dec. 19th 7:00pm
RETREAT CLOSED Dec. 24, 25 & 31 All Day
Added to the event lineup is a New Years Eve It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere. ARC Committee Meeting Tues., Dec. 26th 8:30am
Perfect for those that want something to do and not stay out too late. Seating BINGO Thur., Dec. 28th 6:30pm
is limited so don’t delay in signing up. New Years Eve It’s 5 O’clock Sun., Dec. 31st 5:00pm
RETREAT CLOSED Mon, Jan 1st All Day
Drop off your dead batteries at participating city-owned locations or call Polar Plunge Tues., Jan 2nd 3:00pm
them for a free pickup (916) 774-5780. Avoid causing a spark by taping the Spaghetti Feed Fri., Jan. 5th 6:00pm
ends of old batteries with clear tape before disposing of them at one of our Crystal Candle Workshop Mon., Jan. 8th 6:30pm
locations. Trivia Tue., Jan. 16th 6:30pm
Mike Shellito Pool, 10210 Fairway Drive It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere Fri., Jan. 19th 5:00pm
Maidu Library, 1530 Maidu Drive Metabolism Presentation with Iselin Mon., Jan 22nd 9:30am
Maidu Community Center, 1550 Maidu Drive Travel Presentation Thur., Jan 25th 4:00pm
Riley Library, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd Movie Night - Twister Fri., Jan. 26th 6:30pm
Sun., Jan 28th
Jazz Night
1545 Pleasant Grove Blvd Pianist Frank Wiens Sun., Feb. 4th 3:00pm
December 2023 Page 3