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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                         Bunco                                                               Club Veterans

                                                                                 BACK IN BUSINESS! The Vet’s group is back in business.   The
                                                                                 Veteran’s Sneaker Drive is off with a bang, and we’ve already filled up
                                                                                 one whole barrel.   Please keep them coming as all the money raised will
                                                                                 go to Veterans here in Placer County who are in need.  Most of the
                                                                                 sneakers are repurposed and those that are not in good shape are recycled
                                                                                 and do not go into our landfills.
                                                                                 We sadly regret the recent passing of Carl Mohr who served in Vietnam
                                                                                 as part of the Navy’s Riverine Group.  These guys had very dangerous
                                                                                 work to do in their gunboats that would patrol the rivers and overgrown
                                                                                 canals chasing the Viet Cong which usually ended in a sharp fire
                                                                                 fight.  He died due to exposure to Agent Orange.  He will be missed by
                                                                                 the group.  To his family and lovely wife Linda, please accept our
                                                                                 deepest sympathies for your loss.
                                                                                 Remember you do not have to be a veteran to join our group.  Stop by
             Most Buncos ~ Phyllis Santoro, Most Wins ~ Gillian Avelar,          and see us on the second Thursday of each month at 10am.
            Most Loses ~ Nancy Eleazarraz, Bunco Baby ~ Phyllis Santoro
                     Raffle Winners ~  Linda Tarr and Jan Frack                                                 Cornhole
                                                                                 Cornhole (also known regionally as sack toss, or bags) is a lawn game in
                                     Club Crafters                               which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised,
                                                                                 angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score
         Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join    points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag
         us.  We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library.  Dig out those      through the hole (three points).
         unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I        We establish teams each time from a lottery draw.  We ask for $2 as we
         guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs.  We would like to invite  use the funds for prizes at the end of the evening.  Weather dictates if we
         new residents to stop by anytime and come see what we are doing and     play inside in the Wellness Room or outside under the covered patio.
         perhaps entice you to join our group.                                   Play for February will be on February 3rd, 5th, 17th and 19th.  Monday
         We also accept yarn and needlework items you no longer want.  If you    play is at 1:00 pm and Wednesday play is at 5:30 pm.
         would like more information about our group, please contact Mary Mesa  Congratulations to our high point winners for the second half of
         by email or by phone (408)731-0638.                      2024.  High point men’s was Bruce Frolich and high point women’s was
                                                                                 Rosie Lehto.
                                     Club Trekkers                               A sign-up email is sent out approximately one week before scheduled
                                                                                 play.  We have had great turnout so in order to give everyone a chance to
                     Every Saturday morning the Trekkers conduct a               play, we ask that initially you only sign up for your first choice.  Check
                     neighborhood walk that’s generally 2 to 2 1/2 miles in      back a couple days later and if there is still room available for the other
                     length at a casual pace. And there’s always a group of      day, please go ahead and signup.
                     walkers that stop at MoJoe’s Cafe for a beverage. In        A quick reminder, the semiannual due of $5 per person will be due in
                     addition, we also have a hike “on dirt” each Tuesday. While  January.
                     trail conditions for February are tough to predict, we will be  If you would like to join our signup email distribution list, please contact
                     flexible and adjust as rain and trail conditions dictate but   Linda Mohr at  New players are always
         here is the tentative plan for the month with the understanding that we   welcome!
         might shift hard surface hikes in for hikes on dirt. No matter, two days
         before each hike or walk we will send out an email with details regarding       CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)
         the next event to members of the Club Trekkers.
         •         Feb 4 -  Darrington Trail from Skunk Hollow                   We heard from one of our favorite speakers early in January.  Placer
         •         Feb 11 - Lake Clementine Loop                                 County Registrar of Voters, Ryan Ronco, has addressed us at least four
         •         Feb 18 - Olmstead Loop, 360 degree road                       times and he never disappoints.  He gave us a rundown on the recent
         •         Feb 25 - Cronan Ranch                                         election - not the outcomes of the various races, but from the point of
                                                                                 view of the person responsible for producing, distributing, and gathering
                      Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters                ballots and accurately counting votes from 240,000 voters.
                                                                                 Ryan provided a wealth of statistics that show what’s happening in
         We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The                    Placer County.  For instance, 95.45 percent of those eligible to vote are
         Library.   If you have any questions, please call Carol                 actually registered.  Of those registered voters, 82.1% cast 240,000
         at 361-290-3222.                                                        ballots last November.  This is a fairly average turnout for the County,
                                                                                 though four years ago the turnout was 88.3%.  The statewide turnout was

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