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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                   Water Volleyball
         ‘West end’ of the pool. All residents are welcome, and no experience or
         special skill is needed. Water shoes and a hat are recommended. If you’d
         like to learn more about our club, feel free to visit our ‘homepage’ on
         The Club’s website (Groups, then Water Volleyball), or send an email to
         Dan Ketchum at
                                     Wii Bowling                                               DONATIONS FOR 2024
         The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each            Thanks to everyone in our community who donated or volunteered,
         month from 6pm – 9pm.  We have a lively, fun competition to see which     and supported our events. Because of you we are able to give the
         randomly chosen team can score the highest average after playing a set    most money we have ever given to local non-profit organizations.
         of 3 games to win the night's prize.  We always look forward to           Acres of Hope                $1000
         welcoming new members into our group and hope they will enjoy
         playing the game and socializing with their friends and neighbors.  If any   Adopt-a-School            $1100
         residents have an interest in joining our group, please email your hosts,   Alliance                   $1000
         Barry and Diana Gray, at:
         Our February game night has been cancelled.  Watch for upcoming           Feeding the Foothills        $1000 (formerly Placer Food Bank)
         information about our March game night which will be March
         11th.  Dues of $5 per person, per game night are collected the night of   Stand up Placer              $1000
         the event and prizes of $25 gift cards to various local restaurants are   Taylor House                 $1000
         awarded to each member of the highest scoring team.  We hope you can
         join us in March.                                                         Wellness Within              $1000

                             Wine Appreciation (WAG)                               Toys for Tots                $300 (2 bikes and helmets)
         The January WAG event was filled with an abundance of glitz and           TOTAL                        $7400
         sparkles.  The decorations were over the top and very elegant. The
         featured winery, Lecavalier, showcased their fabulous wines and unique    We are very happy and proud to live in this com-
         bottles.                                                                  munity where we have such charitable resi-
         Our February event theme is Love Potion #wine, appropriate for the        dents!  We know this will help so many people.
         month.  The winery is Fults Family Vineyards, located in Lower Lake,
         CA.  This Boatique winery is owned by Father and Son, Kendall and         Thank you!
         Dustin Fults.  They are also very dear friends and extended family to
         Bonnie and Tusk Pavri.  Please look for Sign up Genius if you wish to
         sign up.
         If you are not a member of WAG, but wish to join, please contact
         Bonnie Pavri at (707) 228-6255 or via email at
         “When life gets complicated, I wine”
                      Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group

         The Drama Club is now rehearsing for our Spring Production of “The                          Help us raise funds for Homeless
         Curious Savage”.  Save the dates for any (or all!) of the performances on                          and Disabled Veterans
         April 25, 26 and 27 - 2025.  It’s going to be a great show!
                                                                                                     Help us combat Veteran Suicide

                                                                                    Donate old, worn, or even just slightly used sneakers.
                                                                                    Simply drop them in the barrel at The Retreat this
                                                                                    January and February and The Club Vets will take care
                                                                                    of the rest.

                                                                                    Thank you for your support!

                                                                                    If you have any questions
                                                                                    about this fundraiser, feel free
                                                                                    to contact Rob Born at

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