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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                 CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)                                          Hand and Foot
         Twenty out of the 29 Vote Centers were manned by Community Service  Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm
         Clubs.  This is a great service to the County because it keeps it from   until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who
         having to hire employees to handle the task.  It also gives non-profit   plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards
         organizations funds to accomplish their various missions.  Ryan would   so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  Come join us and have some fun. If
         like to see all the Vote Centers staffed in this manner in the future.  Over  you would like to learn to play or have questions contact: Gloria Cordle-
         $150,000 was distributed to Community Service Clubs.                    Borley 209-402-1933 or
         For those who have doubts about the accuracy or security of using
         machines to count votes, Ryan informed us that up to 25% of the votes                             Helping Hands 2.0
         are counted by hand and compared to the tallies provided by the
         machines.  In every case, the hand counts and the machine counts                      We hope everyone had a great holiday season.
         matched perfectly.                                                                    We hosted the first Bevs and Bites event of 2025 on Jan 10
         Our next meeting will be February 6th at 6:30 p.m.                                    with 36 in attendance and an abundance of delicious
         For more information about our group contact                                          food.  We would like to have at least 50 at these events and
         Randy:                                                          hope that our next Bevs and Bites (Fri, Feb 10th) from 4:00
         To become a member, contact Alice:                  to 5:30pm in the Café will be a full house! Come see old friends and
                                                                                 meet new residents as well.  We will be sending out an invitation the
                                                                                 week prior so that you can RSVP and let us know whether you will be
         MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED                          bringing an appetizer or dessert to share.  BYOB, and we will supply
         AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                                  coffee, water and tea.
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from  On Thursday, Feb 20th, 6:30-8:30 we will again be hosting our “ALL
         10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.      RESIDENT MEETING WITH GUEST SPEAKER”.  This year we will
         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in  have 3 speakers, all from charities that we have donated to in 2024.  You
         a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the      will hear about what they do to help our community.  This is a FREE
         game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each      event. We will be serving wine and a selection of finger foods.  We have
         other's company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop contract Pete   always had a huge turnout for this annual event so watch for the
         Frates at or 707-481-7620.                           invitation in your email so that you can RSVP.  We are looking forward
                                                                                 to seeing you there!
                                  Democratic Forum
                                                                                 We are happy to announce that we were able to donate over $7400 to
         Our meeting in January was an excellent start to the year with 35       local charities from the events that our community attended and donated
         members in attendance plus two guests from the Sun City Democratic      to.  Thank you to all! See poster in The Retreat next week with the
         Club. To start, Norm Vig gave a provocative analysis of the Presidential  particulars.
         Election results, with no holds barred! Followed by a lively discussion on  As a group, because we don’t always get enough volunteers from our
         the focus of the Democratic Forum for 2025. With local events and       Helping Hands Group, we will be sending requests to All Residents to
         politics in mind we hope to have Karen Alvord attend our February 5th   volunteer for some of our events.  We hope that you will be able to help
         meeting to describe what she does and how she does it.  Our Steering    us out.  Each request is for one time only, so you will not have to make a
         Committee meets on the January 29th in the Wellness room at 2 pm        larger commitment.  Watch for these notices in your email from The
         where our plans, projects and speakers will be layed out for the year. All  Club as the need arises.
         members are encouraged to bring their ideas to this planning session.   And because we keep getting asked, the Fashion Show with Chico’s
                                                                                 Fashions will be held on Wed., April 23rd at the Timbers. More
                                  Digital World Club                             information to follow and we will let you know when ticket sales will
                                                                                 take place.
         The Digital World Club’s (DWC’s) next meeting will be held on           If you know of someone who is ill, has been in the hospital, lost a loved
         Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 10 AM, in The Retreat library room.    one, or needs a pick me up, we would like to send them a card.  Please
         We will have a guest speaker from the Mahany Fitness Center. Have       email and we will see that a card is sent.
         questions about your phone, computer, or tablet? Join us for a FREE     HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
         personalized tech support session and get the help you need!
         The DWC meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 AM,                                         Line Dancing
         typically in The Retreat library room. We take a break in August and
         December.                                                               Line Dancing is a social activity where people get
         Get on the DWC email list to receive information about                  together to dance as a group.
         our monthly meetings and general information about                      It is a fun physical exercise for mind and body.
         the digital world we live in by checking the Digital                    Line Dancing meets on Fridays at 12:00 noon in the
         World Club box in your profile.                                         Wellness Room.
         Visit our webpage for more information: https://                        Contact for information.

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