Page 7 - 2021-11 Courier
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Association Events

         Bingo                                                                     Marching Band
         Sunday, November 21st
         6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.                                                   Friday, December 10th at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                 We welcome over 100 Antelope High School band
         Join us for a night of Bingo at                                         members to our neighborhood for a  musical holiday
         The Retreat!  We play a total
         of 12 games with a brief                                                parade.
         intermission after game 6.                                              Donations for the band are greatly appreciated and a
                                                                                 collection bucket will follow the group.
         Feel free to bring a beverage of
         your choice to enjoy during                                             The Parade will begin and end at The Retreat parking lot. A map of the
         play.                                                                   parade route will be in the December Courier. Cocoa and Cookies will be
                                                                                 available on Kennerleigh at The Retreat entrance.
         FREE – RSVP in advance at
         The Retreat even if you plan to
         Zoom so we can send you a                                               Paint Night
                                                                                 Sunday, December 12th
         playing card.                                                           6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
         ZOOM:                                                                   Holiday Paint-Along with D.J. Self
         Meeting ID: 827 2532 9481                                               It’s a Van Gogh Christmas!
         Passcode: BINGO                                                         Join us for a fun-filled art experience and
         Many thanks to our event sponsor:  Agent Mimi Kim                       create your very own masterpiece.   This is a
                                                                                 painting with two parts: First, we paint the
         Spirelli Holiday Cards                                                  “Starry Night” scene. Then we decorate the tree, using every Christmas
         Wednesday, December 1st at 2:00 p.m.                                    craft material imaginable—sequins, glitter, stickers, gems, mini
         Maria Winkler will be offering a workshop                               ornaments and more. Lots of help is provided by the instructor.  Hang
         where you will learn how to make spirellis                              your masterpiece as a seasonal decoration or give as a gift!
         into holiday cards.                                                     Absolutely no experience necessary
         All supplies will be provided except for the                            Includes all supplies — Wear a smock or old clothes and BYOB!
         following:                                                              $40.00 / per person - 12 person Maximum
         Sharp scissors, and a *glue runner.
         $25.00 / per person                                                     It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere - Duo Gadjo
                                                                                 Thursday, December 16th at 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                 Duo Gadjo’s music is largely inspired by
                   “Let it Snow” Holiday Party                                   the sounds of the 20's and 30's, when jazz
                   Friday, December 3rd at 6:00 p.m.                             was the new thing and Paris was the place
                   Dinner and DJ Dancing                                         to be. Their style is often called ‘Gypsy
                                                                                 Jazz’ as pioneered by the great guitarist
         Dinner Menu                                                             Django Reinhardt who, singlehandedly
         Citrus-Rosemary Chicken - Chicken breast roasted with fresh rosemary    created this new genre by infusing the
         herbs and served in an orange citrus garlic sauce                       American art form with his French, and
           Tomato, Basil and Fresh Mozzarella Salad ~ Baby spinach with         Gypsy influences. Duo Gadjo’s repertoire, featuring Isabelle Fontaine on
             proscuitto, mozarella balls, tomatoes,olives. Drizzled with virgin   vocals, includes many French classics as sung by Edith Piaf, Charles
             olive oil and balsamic vinegar.                                     Trenet, Yves Montand and others, as well as standards from the Great
           Tuscan Salad ~ Hearts of romaine, crumbled gorgonzola cheese,        American songbook. Their distinctive French Cafe sound emanates from
             cucumbers, olives, romaine, tomato & onion salad with basil         their Gypsy guitars, with the addition of the melodica.
             vinaigrette.                                                        Music and Dinner (Pizza and Salad) $14.00 / per person
           Seasoned Mashed Potatoes                                             Music only $8.00 / per person
           Sun-dried Tomato Rice Pilaf
           Grilled Fresh Vegetables with Herbs                                  Sourdough Bread-Making Presentation
           Rolls and butter                                                     Tuesday, January 11th  4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
         Reserved seating will be in effect for this event.  Select your seats at   Ever wonder how to make your own sourdough
         time of registration                                                    bread? Start off the new year with a brand new
         $35.00 / per person                                                     sourdough starter of your own after watching
                                                                                 resident Herb Lindner give a presentation on his
         Craft Fair                                                              bread making journey. Herb will show  us the steps involved in making
         Saturday, December 4th from                                             sourdough bread from the starter to the finished  loaf. He will show you
         10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.                                                  how to mix your own starter which you can take home with you
         Bring your friends and family down to the Annual Craft Fair! A wide     afterwards. You'll learn tips and techniques to start you on your own
         variety of items will be available for sale.  Come in and find the perfect   bread-making journey.
         gift for the holiday season or a treasure to keep of your own.          He's planning on baking a loaf during the demonstration with some
         Helping Hands will be selling goodies to fuel your shopping spree.      tasting samples too.
         FREE to attend                                                          RSVP by January 3rd.
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