Page 10 - 2021-11 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
CRI Group Club Trekkers
We held our first social event With weather beginning to change, the Club Trekkers will find
Saturday, October 2nd and it was a appropriate hikes to enable Trekkers to get outdoors either on trails or
huge success! We asked for paved surfaces. Of special note will be a hike from Nimbus Fish
volunteers to form a committee to Hatchery which will open their fish ladder the first week of
plan a barbecue and members November. Emails will be sent out to people who have signed up with
stepped up and ran with it. It was the Club Trekkers SIG two days before our Tuesday and Saturday hikes
fun to get together and meet each with details for the hikes.
other on an informal basis. Bruce
Ahnberg’s singing and guitar Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
playing was perfect background
music for the occasion and the We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library. If you
catered meal was exceptional. have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
Assemblyman Kevin Kiley showed
up to break bread and give us a Club Veterans
legislative update. He answered The Veteran’s Executive committee re viewed the
any and all questions until there weren’t options and the requirements set by the State of
any more. California and our HOA board. After lengthy
Our meeting in November will be discussion the following COVID mask and
Thursday the 4th at 7 p.m. at the attendance policy was approved. For those of you
Retreat. We will hear from State Senator who did not see this policy in an email too you,
Jim Nielsen. I’ve taken the liberty to have it reprinted in the
Hold the date - we are planning a Courier.
Christmas party for the evening of EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY
Thursday, December 2nd. Another Sig Mask Policy: We have three of three options of compliance;
informal gathering with heavy hors • If you do not have or intend to be vaccinated a mask will be required to
d'oeuvres. Watch for future emails and be worn at every meeting or;
refer to our group page for more • You can provide your shot card for verification prior to a meeting with
information about this and other events. the Board Secretary who will log it in. Once your vaccine documentation has been logged on it will be kept on file. Without further need to have it
checked again.
Chair Volleyball • No mask, No card, NO PARTICIPATION!
Our age group is considered at high risk; therefore, we must protect our
We are currently playing the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7pm. RSVP to group as best we can until otherwise notified by the State of California or
Dow by 4pm on the day of to make sure we have enough people to our HOA Board.
play. Dow Sager 916-997-6543. Join us! Approved by the Executive Committee, The Club Vets.
If you have not checked in with the front desk at the club so they can
Club Crafters verify you’ve taken your COIVD Vaccination. Please do so ASAP. Once
Every Tuesday 10AM join us at the club. Whatever you’ve checked in you will not be restricted from attending future Club
your craft, learn new skills, complete unfinished functions.
projects, expand your abilities while enjoying the As of this moment it looks like all our board officers have stepped up
company of your friends and neighbors. once again and all will stand for re-election for the year 2022. Stand by
Our ongoing project is making blankets for for further details when the Nomination Committee makes its report at
Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids. SBSK the November 14th meeting.
provides handmade blankets to children in the Reminder: Please donate your soiled, torn or damaged US Flags for
Sacramento and Placer Counties, in addition to proper disposal. All US flags of any size can be turned in at the front
State and National emergencies. The blankets are desk at the club and they’ll be given over to the Club Vets. At the
distributed to children in homeless shelters, hospitals, schools, etc. We moment we have not established a date for this year’s Flag Retirement
accept knitted, crocheted, sewn, quilted, and no-sew fleece blankets from Ceremony; due to a reorganization going on with the Scout Troop we’ve
the community for donation. used for many years. The ceremony date has not been determined yet.
We continue to give to Sacramento Shriners Hospital. Every year Stay tuned.
Shriners has a wish list of items they need; anyone in the community is
welcome to contribute. All of these are great projects to give back to the Club at WestPark Democrats
community while doing something fun with your neighbors. If you have
craft items to donate, we are happy to take them. For more information Club at WestPark Democrat members and guests joined together at our
October meeting to hear from two wonderful guests, Dr. Kermit Jones
about our group, projects, or to donate items, contact Denise Caputo at and Keith Diederich.
916-782-1663 or email
November 2021 Page 10