Page 11 - 2021-11 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                             Club at WestPark Democrats                                                    Digital World Club
         Dr. Jones is a candidate for the 2022 Congressional seat in District 4,   cable bill by streaming programing.
         currently held by Tom McClintock. Dr. Jones is a Navy Veteran           According to google, since 2014 the number of people who have cut the
         (deployed two tours to Iraq with Marine Corps) and is currently a       cord have more than tripled, going from 15.6 million to a projected 50.4
         practicing physician. He served as a fellow in the Obama White House    million this year.
         and worked on the ‘Mayor Pete’ campaign. Dr. Jones discussed topics     Have you responded to the survey that we sent out after the October
         including climate change, ensuring Social Security stability, forestry   meeting to the membership?  We would like your feedback to assist us in
         management and drought.                                                 planning programs for 2022.  If you did not receive it, check your spam
         Mr. Keith Diederich is the CEO of The Gathering Inn (TGI) in Roseville.  or junk mail.  Search your mail for DWC Questionnaire.
         The Gathering Inn has 175 ‘clean and sober’ beds whose goal is to help   To join, check the DWC box in YOUR PROFILE on the club’s website,
         homeless individuals with services such as Case Management, Life  Sign in first.
         Skills, Housing Assistance, Employment Assistance, and an on-site       If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact Rick
         medical clinic. He said that TGI’s motto is ‘Providing a Hand Up, not a   Koehler, We will do our best to help you with
         Handout’. Mr. Diederich showed a video describing their services.       your computer/digital issues.
         Mark Your Calendar:
         Our next meeting is November 3rd at 7pm (6:30pm Social Time) at the                                 Hand and Foot
         Retreat. Please remember to bring proof of COVID vaccination.
         And remember that our Holiday Party is scheduled for Tuesday            Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm
         December 7th from 6-8pm.                                                until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who
         How Can I Join or Renew?                                                plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards
         We invite any Club at WestPark resident to join, you don’t have to be a   so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  If you want to learn to play, contact
         Democrat, and joining our Club doesn’t mean that you’re joining any     Donna Sager by email, phone or text, and I will get back to you. Come
         other Democratic organization.                                          join us and have some fun. Thanks or 916-834-
         What are the benefits of joining? A few examples are:                   4249
           Staying informed on issues and gaining new perspective                                         Helping Hands 2.0
           Being able to share ideas and views
           Listening to interesting speakers from fellow members, local         HAPPY FALL!
         business leaders, and members of academia                               We held our first ever full Chili Dinner (choice of three
                                                                                 different kinds of chili, salad, corn muffins and cookies)
         Participating in Fun social events
         If you are not currently a member and would like to join or have any    on Sunday, Oct. 10 at the Retreat before the comedy
         questions, contact us at or you can    show. And what an enormous success! Thanks to Vi
                                                                                 Nicholson and Pasty Idleman, and 20+ Helping Hands
         call our Chair Dan Ketchum at 916-945-7201.
         MISSION: The mission of The Club at Westpark Democrats is to create     volunteers, it came off without a hitch! We had 75 dine-in and takeout
         a welcoming forum to support Democratic candidates of integrity who     orders. We netted $512 which we will be donating to charity at the end
         share our values of unity, diversity and equal rights. We strive to use our   of the year. Many of our residents donated extra money in addition to the
         collective power through discussion, information and outreach to put our   price of their meal and we are grateful for that.
         progressive vision, values and goals into action.                       Our last Coffee and Chat for this year will be held on October 29th.
                                                                                 Thanks to Caroline Crawford and her crew for making these events so
                                                                                 lovely and allowing all residents to gather for a cup of coffee and
                                                                                 breakfast foods donated by our residents. We do not have C&C in
                                                                                 November and December but look forward to seeing you all again on the
         AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                                  January 28th at 9am. EVERYONE IS INVITED.
                                                                                 Our Bake Sale and Hot Dog Lunch will take place at the Craft Fair being
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from
         10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.      held on Saturday, December 4th at the Retreat. This is a big fundraiser
         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in   for Helping Hands, and we invite all resident who can, to donate home
                                                                                 baked goodies, which we sell and donate to charity. We will be sending
         a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the
         game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each      out Community wide emails closer to the event for you to sign up to
         others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan   donate. We are always so appreciative of all the residents who contribute
                                                                                 to this fun and delicious event.
         Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
         8984.                                                                   IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS A NEIGHBOR WHO IS
                                                                                 SICK, HAS HAD SURGERY, (DON’T FORGET THOSE WHO HAVE
                                  Digital World Club                             HAD OUTPATIENT SURGERIES), BEEN INJURED, OR SUFFERED
                                                                                 THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE, PLEASE LET US KNOW SO WE
         Do you like to save money?  Does your cable bill keep going up?  Join us
         November 10th in the Wellness Room at the Retreat at 10:30 (10:00 if    CAN SEND A CARD, LOVINGLY HAND MADE BY VARIOUS
         you need help with a computer/device issue) as we host Jim Simmons      RESIDENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY. PLEASE EMAIL
         from Cutting the Cord.  Jim will explain how to reduce or eliminate you  WITH THE INFORMATION.

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