Page 13 - 2021-11 Courier
P. 13
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Spite & Malice Wine Appreciation (WAG), Continued
We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library. If you have questions more information, call The Club and reserve your tickets!!! This event is
about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773- open to all Club Residents!
6266. We are still asking for volunteers to host the WAG events for 2022. At
this time, we have had ONLY 3 couples say they are interested, which
Wii Bowling leave 5 months of WAG without Hosts. We really don’t want to cancel a
WAG Monthly event because we don’t have anyone to host it…. But we
Hi Wii Bowlers, may need to do so. The Steering Committee is committed to hosting a
The Board of Directors of The Club at WestPark has determined that Bus Trip; the July BBQ; the Food & Wine Festival in November; and the
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) can adopt their own internal policies that annual Holiday Party. We feel the membership of the WAG can step up
may require proof of vaccination before individuals attend SIG to plan a fun filled event! The Steering Committee will be there to help
functions. The State has also stated that certain facilities can be limited you plan your event and work your event along with helping you put
to persons who are vaccinated only. together a team. To host a 2022 event, please email to Helen at
In a continuing commitment to the health and safety of our community,
and due to the fact we are in an indoors environment where we We are aware the WAG Events do fill up quickly and we do our best
repeatedly share equipment to play our games, The Wii Bowling Group, with the space we have to try to get in as many of you as we are
as an approved Special Interest Group of The Club at WestPark, will ‘allowed’ to do. Be sure to put your names on the wait list just in case
require that residents and guests attending any indoor Wii Bowling we have cancellations. And please, if you need to cancel your
activities at The Retreat to show proof of full COVID vaccination. Full reservation, please contact the Hosts or Helen as soon as you know.
vaccination is defined as a final dose at least 14 days prior to any game If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
night. This proof can be a physical vaccination card, or a photo on your questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
phone of the vaccination card. If you register your card with The Retreat via email at
prior to game night, that will be sufficient and will speed along our check “The most important step in any Thanksgiving recipe is adding wine to
-in process on game nights. the cook”
Our goal in the Wii Bowling Group is not to exclude anyone, but just to
insure the safety of everyone who attends our game nights. Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
Thank you.
Barry & Diana Ye Olde WestPark Players presents our fall comedy performance,
Wine Appreciation (WAG) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 at 7 pm
The Wine Appreciation Group celebrated “Oh My Gourd, It’s Fall” with SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 at 3 pm
a visit from Fults Family Vineyards located in Lake County. Dustin Enjoy your Drama Group at our best, making you laugh, especially
Fults shared the history of the winery and a touching story of their during our self -imposed quarantine days, traveling, at weddings, and the
“Wildfire” Wine. They had already printed the labels and were getting quickly approaching holiday season. To welcome you back this show is
ready to label the wine, but unfortunately the 2015 Valley Fire devasted FREE.
the Lake County region. The Fults winery thought it would be Proof of full vaccination is required when you sign up for your tickets.
insensitive to name a wine “Wildfire” but with input from a firefighter Please bring a beverage of your choice and a dessert to share with your
wine club member, the Fults Winery was encouraged to name the wine as neighbors after the performance.
planned, and the winery donates $5.00 to the South Lake County Fire Tickets will be offered at The Retreat:
Department for every bottle of Wildfire wine sold. Once again, we had Wednesday, October 20 from 1-2:30
delicious small plates prepared by Chef Jeneca Kretchman. Special Thursday, October 21 from 10-12
thanks to the hard-working Hosts, Bonnie & Tuck Pavri, their team Monday, October 25 from 5-6
members, Bob & Penny Guyer, Carol Bassler & Bob Crain, Dave Powel, Any questions about the group please contact Director Rita DeMatteis
Judy Kurylak, and Chuck Warren and their coaches, Phil Washburn and
Richard Wong. Questions about tickets call
Please mark your calendar for the 5th Annual Wine & Food Festival on Assistant Director Audrey Ehrlich
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18th from 2:00 – 5:00 at The Club. This at 916-740- 2610. Please remember
fun event is co-sponsored with Shannon and The Club. This year we are the space is small and can
pleased to announce the following wine vendors: Mount Saint Joseph accommodate only 60 people per
Wines; Element 79 Vineyards; Helwig Winery; Elevate Wines; Secret performance.
Ravine Winery; and Klinker Brick Winery. Our restaurant venders so far We'll see you soon!
include: Authentic Street Taco; Timmy Gingers; Tomatina Italian; and
Bennett’s. We are also pleased to have High Hands Olive Oil Company
participating. We are still working on getting commitments from
others! We also will have music provided by DJ Nick on the patio! For
November 2021 Page 13