Page 12 - 2021-11 Courier
P. 12
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Line Dancing Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group
Group dancing is like having a workout buddy to keep you The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have
motivated. We end up smiling and laughing and having so much fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All
fun that the hour seems to fly by. No special equipment needed, but levels of players are welcome.
smooth soled, comfortable shoes work best. Stop by the Wellness Room Days and Times:
on Fridays from 12:00 to 1:00 and check us out. Friday 2-4pm
Email if you have any questions. Saturday 2-4pm
Sunday 2-4pm
Mah Jongg
Tuesday 2-4pm (if Wellness room is available).
I’m Phyllis Frank and head up our Mah Jongg Group. We meet every Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to
Tuesday afternoon here at our Retreat from 1:00 to 4:00pm. our email list.
We would love to have you join us. It’s a fun afternoon playing, meeting
and making new Friends. Mah Jongg is a game of skill & Poker Club
luck. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. I have taught Poker is back. Every Wednesday at 6pm to 9pm in the library. This is not
many of our players and I am willing to teach whom ever might be cut throat Poker. Win lose or draw it is still fun.
Interested. Call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060 if you have any questions.
We play the American version on the current 2021 card, which is ordered
on line from the National Mah Jongg League. Shutter Bugs
Please contact me Phyllis Frank or call 916-749-7641.
Hello Photography friends. Below are some highlights for upcoming
Mexican Train (Dominos) events for the Shutterbugs SIG. Our next event will be our regular
Please join us for Mexican Train (dominos) on Friday nights at 6:30pm! meeting on November 4th when we will share photos from our October
If you don’t know how to play, we’d be happy to teach you. Everyone is High Hand Nursery photo shoot. With the holidays fast approaching we
welcome to play - singles and couples. Contact Laura Wilson at (925) thought it might be a good idea to discuss and demonstrate using Costco
325-7953 if you have any questions. remote to create a special occasion or holiday calendar and photo cards.
Terry will demonstrate the Costco process for those who use a pc and
Neighborhood Watch Debbie will demonstrate the same types of activities for cell phone
The Neighborhood Watch Team is here to serve you. If you would like to photographers.
find out what we do and how you too can help to make our community Our November 19th photo field trip will be to the Crocker Art Museum.
safe and secure, please check out our new Neighborhood Watch Group We will have lunch and take photos at the museum. We will once again
Page. meet at the retreat at 10am to form car pools. Watch your email for the
First login to The Club at WestPark website. Then at the top of the page registration link for this event.
GO TO “GROUPS” AND “NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH.” There you Our December regular SIG group meeting will be a holiday lunch on
will find a myriad of information. We are always looking for Block December 2nd location TBD. We will send out a registration link for
Captains and Co-Captains. this event as well. We would appreciate your responding as soon as you
To join our team, contact Mia Winter at can after receiving the holiday lunch registration email in order to allow A member list of the Block Captains us to make a reservation with the correct number of attendees.
can be found on pages 30-31 of the Resident Directory 2021. It is Mark your calendars for December 8th which will a special photo shoot
available at The Retreat to all residents. field trip to Nevada City for their Victorian Christmas celebration. We
Moving or you no longer need the Resident Directory? will make dinner reservations for one of the many good restaurants in
Remember before you move, or if you no longer need the Directory, Nevada City. We will meet at the Retreat to form car pools since we
please destroy the Directory by either shredding it yourself or by know parking during this event can be a little challenging. More details
bringing it to The Retreat for proper disposal. The content (in the hands to come on this fun event.
of a hacker) is pure gold compromising our personal identification. All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of
Thank you for keeping our neighborhood safe. our Facebook Group at:
Mia Winter, NW Director groups/436603713658143. This is a great place to easily share your
photos. Give it a try.
For questions please contact Lou Frank at or Terry
Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of
PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle Singles Group
10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group
will help you come back up to speed. Win or lose we are here to have a The Singles group will be taking a break until 2022. In
good time. If you are interested in playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan January we plan to resume our activities with dinner at a
Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872- restaurant. Stay tuned for further details.
November 2021 Page 12